_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: 2010

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy 2011

Happy New Year to all!

May Your New Year's Eve 
be a wonderful time of celebration
and the start of a 


As 2011 dawns ...

There were probably many, many times this year when I may have.....

Disturbed You,
Troubled You,
Pestered You,
Irritated You,
Bugged You,
or got on your Nerves!! 

So today, I just wanted to tell you....

Suck it up Cupcake!

Cause there 
for 2011!

51 Fastest Fat Burners

As we all look forward to 2011 with anticipation and perhaps some dread, I found a really good list of fat burners (yes we all need these whether we want to admit it or not) on CNN.com and Health.com. 

When you look at the list ... you will see that it is really common sense things - not those wild suggestions you see on those infomercials that swear you can lose 30 lbs in 1 week or less.

I will be adding these to my list of "to do" items for My New Year's Resolutions.  Hopefully they won't be one of those that are broken immediately.  You know what I mean.

Check it out 51 Fastest Fat Burners

The Fresh Diet New Years Deal of the Year

Ok I can't wait - I have to "spill the beans" here too.

If you have thought about making 2011 YOUR year
to lose weight or getting "healthy"  
I have got the DEAL for you! 

I got an email from The Fresh Diet with THE DEAL of the year and now YOU will know of that same great deal.

Join The Fresh Diet on Monday January 3rd, 2011 for their 
January New Years Resolution Sale

72 hours only. 
9AM Monday (the link won't be active until then) 
to get The Fresh Diet for only $30.99 (Reg. $44.99) a day.

You'll be able to order as many 31 day blocks of meals as you like too! 
Use promo code FD2011E

This is the BEST price for 2011 they will offer.

Follow The Fresh Diet on Facebook for contests.  You too could  win FREE weeks and/or months of The Fresh Diet when you enter, just like I did back in October.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Quote of the Day

One's mind, once stretched by a new idea, 
never regains its original dimensions.

Oliver Wendell Holmes

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Win a Viking Kitchen

I received this in an email just a few minutes ago and just knew I had to pass on the possibility to you.

How would you like to win a complete Viking Kitchen?
Microwave Range Hood
Countertop Appliances

See I told you it was a complete kitchen.

Here's what you need to do - jump on over to the Viking Facebook Page  and "like" them.  Then click on Win a Viking Kitchen to fill out the few "questions" - your email address, your zip code, read the rules and ENTER.    So simple and you could be the winner of a $15,500 Brand Spanking New Kitchen!

What are you waiting for?  Hurry on over there - you only have until December 31st.  Don't be dilly dallying or you will miss out on a chance to win a fabulous new kitchen in 2011.

Open to Continental US residents only (sorry - their rules not mine).

I just won - I'm in shock

I just got the best email - in my SPAM file.  But lucky for me, while I was eating lunch I decided to check out my emails and looked in my SPAM file before deleting it!  So word of advice --- Don't just delete that SPAM file - you too could be very surprised!

Earlier this month I had entered a contest at Better.TV and I have to tell you they had some nice prizes for their 5 day giveaway.  I am so unbelievably surprised and happy to have won day 3 because these prizes are fabulous!  I know the other days were great too but I just thought these were so cool.

I will be doing a post when I get my prizes in the mail, but of course I wanted to give you all a heads up so that you could check out Better.TV as well as their Facebook page, for yourself - who knows they could do something else really soon.  But whether that happens or not - there are some really interesting things on this blog, as well as daily "events" you just might want to check out too.  Oh and they are having a 100 days of Giveaways --- I'm not sure what day they are on but hey I'm up for that one too.  The GRAND PRIZE is $10,000.  Just think of what you could do with that!

Stay tuned - I can't wait!
Now back to the regularly scheduled duties for today - the laundry and cleaning and packing away.  You know the usual.

Do you have an E~reader

Have you joined this revolution that seems to have taken over?  I have.  I received a Sony touch e-reader for Christmas and have started to "fill" it with things to read while waiting in the airport and on the plane while Jenn and I leave this winter wonderland for a while.

If you have one, what kind of e-reader do you have?  kindle? nook? Sony? something else?

What kinds of books do you have?   What ones do you suggest?  I'm being incredibly cheap right now looking for books, but I'm sure I will get better with some suggestions of great books to read.

So give me some suggestions.  So maybe I won't look so cheap if someone looks at my reader ...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Another Fresh Diet Contest

Yes, we are bringing you yet another opportunity to win some of your own Fresh Diet meals.  I know that you have been enjoying all my meals (and so have I) and you are just dying to have your own to try.  

Well here is your chance - look at that picture (rather handsome individual if I do say so myself) and come up with a great caption.  Then jump on over to The Fresh Diet Facebook page and post your gem and perhaps you too could be enjoying the same wonderfully fresh, absolutely exquisite meals created under the tutelage of this very same person - our own Chef Yos!

Now don't be taking too long to come up with  you captions - the contest ends on December 29th at midnight - yes tomorrow at midnight.  So get creative and get clicking!


The Fresh Diet CONTEST - Fresh food.... Frozen Chef!

Caption this picture of our beloved Chef Yos and win a FREE WEEK of The Fresh Diet. Ends midnight 12/29. Two entries per person. Need your ZIP CODE if you aren't a TFD customer yet.


Follow Me Back Tuesday

Here's a great way to check out new blogs (well ok new to you) and meet some great bloggers.
Follow Me Back Tuesday is another day of the week that you can gain more followers and find other great blogs to follow on a weekly basis. 
Follow Me Back Tuesday
Follow Me Back Tuesday is hosted by Survey Junkie, Little Yaya's, and Boobies, Babies & A Blog.

Each week we will choose a random number every week from the blogs linked and add the random blog to the #4 spot to link to the following week (must follow 3 hostesses to be chosen)
Carrie from Carrie  Rambles

How it Works

  1. Follow the 4 hosts, #1 – 4,  ( leave us a comment & we will follow you back- only leave a comment if you follow please ).
  2. Create a blog post about FMBT (you may copy this post if you wish).
  3. Follow as many blogs as you would like ( Leave a comment so they can follow you back).
  4. When you receive a comment from a new follower  return the favor & follow them back.
To see the ever changing list of bloggers involved this week .... click Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available. You will not be disappointed - I'm finding great new bloggers to follow

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Winter Wonderland Begins

This is the beginning of the Winter Wonderland here in New Jersey.  Trust me when I tell you I could have missed this without batting an eye or feeling like I was missing out on anything.

Just going to post a few of the pictures I have taken over the last 24 hours while we were watching and then trying to dig out of somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 - 30 inches of the white stuff BEFORE it started blowing around making wonderful drifts all over.

This was outside my back door at around 7:30 last night - yes already it was a mess.

Here was my mailbox this morning - now I'm sure you know how high a mailbox needs to be for the postman to actually delivery your mail from his truck ..........

Just a little bit of snow on my deck and table -- good thing I covered it with plastic before the snow started to fall - how many inches do you think we have here?

This is looking down my front steps (there are 13 steps mind you) and my azalea's that are over 75 years old.  Every year I think this is the last ... and it continues to come back.  One of these times this winter mess is going to do them in.

Some place down there is my driveway - past the wood pile and huge pine tree.  Yes that is a neighbor's house across the way ... When we went out to clear a path to the wood pile, clean off the snow and clean off the steps so we can actually bring in the wood if we need to - the snow was over my knees and half way up my thigh ...

I do think I've gotten my exercise in for today.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


just a quick post to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.  I hope that you find that special something under your tree.

I am sure I will be back soon with pictures from our celebration.  Oh and my Fresh Diet meals, I owe you Thursdays wonderful meals and then we have Monday and the return of my Fresh Diet fairy!

Dont forget the great deals on TFD meals, they are still available

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Public Service Announcement for Senior Texters ...

If you just got your iPhone or any of those so called "smart phones" and are "learning" to text, 
here is some VERY helpful information. 
Don't thank me (DTM). 
This is a public service (TIPS).

Since more and more Seniors are texting and tweeting there appears to be a need for a STC (Senior Texting Code). If you qualify for Senior Discounts this is the code for you.

ATD: At The Doctor's

BFF: Best Friend Farted

BTW: Bring The Wheelchair

BYOT: Bring Your Own Teeth

CBM: Covered By Medicare

CUATSC: See You At The Senior Center

DWI: Driving While Incontinent

FWB: Friend With Beta Blockers

FWIW: Forgot Where I Was

FYI: Found Your Insulin

GGPBL: Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low!

GHA: Got Heartburn Again

HGBM: Had Good Bowel Movement

IMHO: Is My Hearing-Aid On?

LMDO: Laughing My Dentures Out

LOL: Living On Lipitor

LWO: Lawrence Welk's On

OMMR: On My Massage Recliner

OMSG: Oh My! Sorry, Gas.

ROFL... CGU: Rolling On The Floor Laughing... And Can't Get Up

SGGP: Sorry, Gotta Go Poop

TTYL: Talk To You Louder

WAITT: Who Am I Talking To?

WTFA: Wet The Furniture Again

WTP: Where's The Prunes?

WWNO: Walker Wheels Need Oil

GLKI: Gotta Go, Laxative Kicking In

I just had to - I'm sorry - this just had me ROFLMAO

The Fresh Diet Wednesday Dec 22nd

December 22nd was my son's birthday.  I have no idea how it is possible that I would have a son who is now a quarter of a century old!  I mean really do I LOOK and ACT old enough to have a son that old?  Of course not.

But I do - Dan arrived at 7:17pm 25 years ago ......... and has made me proud every minute of every day since.

But this is about my Fresh Diet delivery for Wednesday, so I will stop being such a "sappy" mom and get to the business at hand.

I just love, as you know, seeing my buddy sitting outside my door each morning.  This morning was no exception.  Breakfast was Cajun Style Egg White Omelet with Bell Pepper, Onions, Turkey Sausage and Roasted Roma Tomato.  I have to say that although this was pretty good, it was not my favorite breakfast so far.  I guess because it was egg whites and not "egg", it was a much lighter tasting and feeling entree.  I was a bit surprised that I wasn't feeling as "full and satisfied" as usual and was afraid that I wouldn't be able to last until lunch.  I don't know, maybe if it had some toast or something a bit more filling.  By noon time I was feeling VERY hungry, and that is unusual for me while eating The Fresh Diet way.

Lunch was Asian Flank Steak on Whole Wheat Roll with Szechwan Style Slaw and Peanut Sauce.  With all the running around I had to do yesterday, I had a Starbucks coffee (yes I know bad girl) around 11:30 because I was no where near home and continued running.  I didn't get to have this lunch until almost 2PM and was already past hungry.  This meal was, as my daughter would say, "da bomb".   I had seen a picture of the kitchen staff preparing the steak and thought "oh that looks good" forgetting that I had ordered it and I have to tell you it did not disappoint!  The steak was actually tender, even though it wasn't sliced paper thin.  And the taste was perfection.  I just love The Fresh Diet rolls - they are always soft, yet chewy, and very very tasty without any of the usual "whole wheat" overkill taste.  The Slaw was really good - but definitely on the spicy side.  I had learned my lesson before, and only put a little of any sauce on my meals until I taste it, to gauge the "spiciness".  This sauce was a little spicy (but it could have been because of the slaw) so I only put a little on the roll and left the rest of "dunking".  THIS is a definite KEEPER - I LOVED IT.

My snack today was Mini Veggie Egg Rolls with Peanut Sauce.  Note the theme here ... Peanut Sauce again.  Well I have just one thing to say about this snack --- It was so STINKIN' GOOD!  Some people have even eaten these cold, but I had mine slightly warmed because I hadn't taken them out of the fridge before I thought about a snack (at almost 5PM).  Now when I warmed them, they didn't get soggy or greasy tasting, and the peanut sauce was a perfect compliment.  If you are even remotely interested in egg rolls - this is a great option.  I will be on the lookout for these again.

Dinner was Turkey Chili Con Carne with Whole Wheat Fettuccine Pasta and Lemon Parsley Roasted Brussels Sprouts.  I had such hope for this entree, but alas it fell short.  I was rather surprised because it looked so good.  The Chili was rather bland - almost like we forgot to add the spice.  Turkey needs to be seasoned well because it is a "blander" meat to begin with and chili is suppose to be a little on the spice side.  Unfortunately it wasn't in this dish.  The Pasta was really good - wasn't as al dente as it has been in the past without being "mush" as it can sometimes be when it is reheated (because it becomes over-cooked).  The Brussels Sprouts were wonderful!  I know I must be strange, I LOVE Brussels Sprouts.  But these were really tasty.  Perhaps it was the Lemon Parsley addition, but these will definitely be on my menu the next time they show up again.

Dessert was Key Lime Cheesecake.  This was a little smaller than the usual slice of Cheesecake, but it was VERY flavorful.  I'm not sure if you can see in the picture - but it has this light green color to the cheesecake so you just know there is something going on there.  Yes, this is another keeper - but then again it's cheesecake - What's not to love about cheesecake?

Oh and I have lost another pound even with all the holiday gatherings I have already been to and all the running around (and limited water/maximum coffee) and cookies and candies and oh so many other tempting treats, so I am again a happy camper.  Thank you The Fresh Diet.  I have said this before, and I will say it again, Please tell me what plan out there allows you to eat gourmet meals AND cheesecake every day and still lose weight?  Not one that I have tried (and God knows I've tried many) before this one BUT  This one DOES and I am so very glad that I found them.  It just makes it so much easier to step on the scale each morning and not cringe!

If you are even remotely tempted to order The Fresh Diet meals, but afraid of the commitment, check out their special - 5 days for $155, which is a great deal.  If you are ready for a month commitment, jump on over, call them at 1-866-FRESH50 to lock in the daily price of $32.99 (a $12 a day savings) for 31 days.  I think they have a number of new entrees coming for the new year and yes, I will be trying those too and sharing with you.  Why don't you go check out their deal and the Fresh Diet Facebook Page - we have LOTS of fun there too.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thank A Soldier

If you go to this web site,
www.LetsSayThanks.com   you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving overseas . You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to a member of the armed services.

How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!!    It is FREE and it only takes a few seconds.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these?   Whether you are for or against the war, our soldiers over there need to know we are behind them.

This takes just 10 seconds and it's a wonderful way to say thank you.   Please take the time and please take the time to pass it on for others to do.  We can never say enough thank you's.

Thanks for taking the time to support our military!

The Fresh Diet Dec 21st

I looked outside my door this morning (yes my kitchen door - in the back) and there was my buddy sitting there waiting for me to open the door.  See I just have to say this again - The Fresh Diet is the most customer friendly - customer needs based company I have ever met.  If you read yesterdays post, you know that I called because my buddy was left at the front door and not the back.  Now again I called because I was concerned that TFD Fairy who delivers my buddy each night/morning would get hurt on those steps in the dark.  Right away it was taken care of - no questions asked.  I LOVE THIS COMPANY!

This mornings Breakfast was Asparagus & Cheddar Cheese Quiche with Fresh Pineapple.  This was loaded with asparagus!  So much so that the Cheddar Cheese was just melted on top as it baked - it couldn't melt down into the egg as it cooked.  That being said - this is wonderful.  It was really filling and very very tasty.  Now I'm not sure if you would have enjoyed it as much as I did if you weren't a fan of Asparagus ...... but that's not my problem.  I love properly cooked Asparagus.

Lunch was Grilled Wild Mahi Mahi on Whole Wheat Ciabatta Bread with lettuce, tomato and Thousand Island Dressing.  Mahi Mahi was one fish that I liked before I started on The Fresh Diet, and there weren't many on that list.  I first had this fish when I was "rewarding" myself with a trip to Hawaii when I was graduating from college.  I find that it is very difficult to find good Mahi Mahi on the East Coast ... well that was until I found this option on The Fresh Diet menu.  This was an excellent sandwich.  I love the bread (yes that is one of my weaknesses) even though it is Whole Wheat it has a nice flavor without the usual whole wheat "overload".  Even in late December the tomato tasted like tomato - and from a Jersey girl that is saying a lot!  There was just enough Thousand Island Dressing to put some on both sides of the bread without making it soggy or overdoing it.  This is a definite keeper.   If you can try this sandwich, even if you don't think you would like fish, you must - it will make a fish lover out of you.

My snack for today was the Oatmeal Cranberry Cookie.  I had this with a nice cup of tea when I got home in the afternoon.  I expected the cookie to be very soft and chewy like some of the other cookies I've had from The Fresh Diet, but this was a firmer, crunchier cookie.  But it still had a lot of flavor.  I would definitely get this again - it wasn't an overkill of cranberries or oatmeal, but to be honest I have no idea how they could have done that since as you can see there were quite a few cranberries in the cookie.

Dinner was the Garden Vegetable Burger with Spanish Style Brown Rice and Sauteed Mushroom Medley.  I have had veggie burgers before, but this was not the "standard" - it was actually much larger and thicker than I had expected.  I did like this meal, however I think it would have been better on a whole wheat bun with a "dressing" of some kind.  Now I know if that happened, there wouldn't be the sides I had - but well that was my take on this entree item.  I did enjoy with with the rice and mushrooms, but it was a little dryer than most entrees I've had.  The rice and mushrooms were a good side - I actually mixed them together as I was eating them so it 1) seemed much larger on the plate and 2) added the mushroom flavor all throughout the rice.  I will definitely get these together again ..... if they are offered at the same time.  The sides rotate all the time too and not always offered at the same time (at least I haven't noticed that they are).

Dessert was Honey Almond Cheese Cake.  Now when I selected this snack/dessert I did get a pop-up saying something about a carb alert about too many carbs for the day - or something like that.  But hey its cheesecake ........ I WANTED it and I GOT IT.  I just want to say this was so nice.  The Almond slices were still somewhat "solid" so we there was still a tiny crunch to them.  It was such a nice surprise when you had that forkful that wasn't just creamy cheesecake (not that there is anything wrong with creamy cheesecake mind you), the added texture was so perfect.  But then there isn't anything bad you can say about The Fresh Diet's Cheesecake ....... I don't think I have had one slice that didn't make me happy :)
I was going to "share" this with Jenn as a celebration for the end of her semester, especially since she got her grades (love college professors who post grades quickly) and even with worrying about her last 2 finals she still managed 2 A's, a B+ and a B ..... not too shabby!  But she had a chocolate lava cake to share with Adam ... so I got to keep my Fresh Diet Cheesecake again .... ahhhh such a good deal!

If you are even remotely tempted to order The Fresh Diet meals, but afraid of the commitment, check out their special - 5 days for $155, which is a great deal.  If you are ready for a month commitment, jump on over, call them at 1-866-FRESH50 to lock in the daily price of $32.99 (a $12 a day savings) for 31 days.  I think they have a number of new entrees coming for the new year and yes, I will be trying those too and sharing with you.  Why don't you go check out their deal and the Fresh Diet Facebook Page - we have LOTS of fun there too.

Check it out - then you TOO could be eating The Fresh Diet way!  I am sooooo glad I stopped into their facebook page at the suggestion of my friend Donna back in September ....... it was the best thing I have done for myself in a long time - well that and purchasing my own month during their Black Friday Sale.  Between the winnings I've had (on other blogs as well as their facebook contests) and my purchase I will be able to share meals with you through some time in April - a tax season bonus for me!

Angels among us.

An oldie, but a goodie...

I was driving home from a meeting this evening about 5 p.m., stuck in traffic on Colorado Blvd., and the car started to choke and splutter and die - I barely managed to coast, cursing, into a gas station, glad only that I would not be blocking traffic and would have a somewhat warm spot to wait for the tow truck. It wouldn't even turn over. 

Before I could make the call, I saw a woman walking out of the 'quickie mart' building, and it looked like she slipped on some ice and fell into a gas pump, so I got out to see if she was okay. When I got there, it looked more like she had been overcome by sobs than that she had fallen. She was a young woman who looked really haggard with dark circles under her eyes. She dropped something as I helped her up, and I picked it up to give it to her. It was a nickel.  

At that moment, everything came into focus for me: the crying woman, the ancient Suburban crammed full of stuff with 3 kids in the back (1 in a car seat), and the gas pump reading $4.95. I asked her if she was okay and if she needed help, and she just kept saying 'don't want my kids to see me crying,' so we stood on the other side of the pump from her car. 

She said she was driving to California and that things were very hard for her right now. So I asked, 'And you were praying?' That made her back away from me a little, but I assured her I was not a crazy person and said, 'He heard you, and He sent me.' I took out my card and swiped it through the card reader on the pump so she could fill up her car completely, and while it was fuelling, walked to the next door McDonald's and bought 2 big bags of food, some gift certificates for more, and a big cup of coffee. She gave the food to the kids in the car, who attacked it like wolves, and we stood by the pump eating fries and talking a little.  

She told me her name, and that she lived in Kansas City. Her boyfriend left 2 months ago and she had not been able to make ends meet. She knew she wouldn't have money to pay rent Jan 1, and finally in desperation had finally called her parents, with whom she had not spoken to in about 5 years. They lived in California and said she could come live with them and try to get on her feet there.  

She told the kids they were going to California for Christmas, but not that they were going to live there. I gave her my gloves, a little hug and said a quick prayer with her for safety on the road. 

As I was walking over to my car, she said, 'So, are you like an angel or something?' This definitely made me cry. 

I said, 'Sweetie, at this time of year angels are really busy, so sometimes God uses regular people.' It was so incredible to be a part of someone else's miracle. And of course, you guessed it, when I got in my car it started right away and got me home with no problem. I'll put it in the shop tomorrow to check, but I suspect the mechanic won't find anything wrong.  

Sometimes the angels fly close enough to you that you can hear the flutter of their wings...

Psalms 55:22 'Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee. He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.'

God loves it when we become a part of someone else's blessing!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Fresh Diet Monday Dec 20th

I really just love seeing my little buddy from The Fresh Diet, outside my door.  This morning I thought "OH what happened to my buddy?  He's not here, he's suppose to be here" ... So I went on a "hunt,"  you see, I live on a very dark road (no street lights - imagine) and I have very very steep front steps, so I requested that my Fresh Diet bag be left inside the back screen door.  Here's my front steps last winter, just so you can "see" what I mean about steep 

This also keeps it protected from the elements because there is about 3 ft of walk space between my screen door and my "back" door.  But fear not, I found him sitting in the corner at my front door, just a little "frosty".  Because of safety issues, I called Customer Service about where it was left - I really don't want someone to get hurt delivering my buddy.  Well quick as can be, Lois in Customer Service took care of everything, calling the delivery manager and then calling me back.  All taken care of, my buddy will be in the back again, as of tomorrow.  See I just love this company - everything is so easy to take care of - Customer Service is Top Notch!  It would just really upset me if someone fell down those stairs in the dark (even with a light on, which we can't do all night, its "eerily dark") or if there is a little icy patch this coming winter.

Breakfast was Old Fashioned Oatmeal with Apricot & Toasted Pecans. The oatmeal from The Fresh Diet always surprises me.  When it comes out of the bag, it looks really thick and heavy, but once heated (and a little tiny bit of milk for my taste) is so very smooth and creamy and although not light, not heavy either.  Hopefully that makes sense.  It is also so very filling without making you feel like there is this brick in your stomach.  If you need something to last all morning - THIS is it.  I loved the apricot and pecans in this one. 

Lunch was Cape-Cod wrap with Spinach, Smoked Turkey Breast, Caramelized Red Onion and Cranberry Relish.  I have to say, I have NO idea what makes this "Cape-Cod" but it was really good.  I deconstructed the wrap to put the relish inside the wrap and then reconstructed it.  The onions was just crunchy enough that everything wasn't mushy but not so crunchy that they were raw.  One thing I really like about the NY kitchen, is that most of the sauces and relishes are in little containers so you can add them to the entree or not, put inside a sandwich (like I did) or just "dip" it in.  Please Fresh Diet, don't change this option - for me its great.  YOU get to select how much you put on a meal - not the kitchen personnel.  This is another great meal for lunch.

My snack today was Prosciutto Ham wrapped Asparagus Tips.   The ham was cut a little on the thick side for a Prosciutto so it was rather salty tasting for me.  That being said, it was an interesting flavor combination.  The crunchiness of the Asparagus and the saltiness of the ham - if the prosciutto was a little thinner would have been a home run.  I will be ordering this one again.

Dinner was Oven Fried Catfish Fillet with Tartar Sauce with Chipotle Whipped Cauliflower Puree and Cajun rubbed Roasted Yellow Squash Spears.  Ok first thing - I was definitely color challenged when I picked this meal - everything was YELLOW!  If you have been following along, you know that before the Fresh Diet, I was definitely NOT a fish person.  That was changed with all the great options I have tried over the 3 weeks or so that I've been receiving my meals.  This meal however, was not a winner.  The breading on the fish was entirely too thick and tasteless.  I'm not sure I like the fish itself, since I did try to take pieces out of the breading, unless it had a healthy dollop of the tartar sauce (which had a nice spicy kick but I'm not sure why since Ive never had spicy tartar sauce).  The Whipped Cauliflower was so pureed it was "runny" and so spiced it was like fire in the mouth.  The Squash Spears, weren't spears at all and too mushy to be tasty.  I have to say, this entire meal was not on my hit parade.  As a matter of fact, I ended up throwing out most of it because I just couldn't eat it.  It really killed me to do that - but it just wasn't something I could eat, and that is very unusual.  Thankfully I wasn't overly hungry with the other options I had today.  I will definitely not try these again - and there really aren't many items that I can say that about.  Unfortunately I picked them all in one meal.  I need to go check my selection for the next week and make sure I don't have any of these in my meals.

Dessert was Sugar-Free Boston Cream Pie.  Now, this looks a little "different" from what I know as Boston Cream Pie, but was very tasty.  Part of the "frosting" got stuck on the top of the container lid (sometimes this happens) so I fixed it ... I mean come on it was chocolate!  It was very very moist, even Jenn noted how moist it looked when she came in, and very tasty.  There was no missing any sugar in this dish. 

If you are even remotely tempted to order The Fresh Diet meals, but afraid of the commitment, check out their special - 5 days for $155, which is a great deal.  If you are ready for a month commitment, jump on over, call them at 1-866-FRESH50 to lock in the daily price of $32.99 (a $12 a day savings) for 31 days.  I think they have a number of new entrees coming for the new year and yes, I will be trying those too and sharing with you.  Why don't you go check out their deal and the Fresh Diet Facebook Page - we have LOTS of fun there too.

And just to show you that I was busy, in between everything else, the 2010 Christmas Memory Tree was finished and now we can just hopefully enjoy it for awhile.
Yes that is a Christmas Stocking on that deer ......... and NO IT'S NOT Rudolph!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Today I am Thankful For .......

On this very cold day here in the Northeast, as I sit here waiting for a call from my girlfriend (when she is done from treatment) I got to thinking about all the things I am grateful for.

There are so many things that come to mind -

1)  my friends and family,
2)  my home, that is warm
3)  my cabinets/refridgerator/freezer that is full
4)  My Fresh Diet Fairy that leaves my wonderful meals each weekday morning
5)  my job - that really is my dream job

So that was my top 5 - just off the top of my head.  How about you?  What are your top 5 - right off the top of your head things that you are thankful for today....

I can't wait to see some of these answers - will be interesting to see how many of them agree with mine or with others. 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The AWESOME Fresh Diet Meals

I received my nightly visit from the Fresh Diet Fairy for my Thursday and Friday meals but between an unexpected dinner out with my husband's clients and then a visit to the dentist for a broken tooth - I haven't had the opportunity to post my meals for those days.  I'm sorry - but I want to rectify that right now.  You really don't want to miss these.
So follow along as I mix it up here with 2 days of fabulous meals in one post!  Everything for both days were brand new items except Friday's dessert, never before seen here, although they are not new to The Fresh Diet. 

On Thursday morning I had Whole Wheat Breakfast Bruschetta with Scrambled Eggs, Goat Cheese, Sun-Dried Tomato and Fresh Basil.  Oh MAN this was so good.  Now word of warning you must like the taste of goat cheese, but it is a prominent flavor.  I'm not sure if its because it was heated or because it was mixed with the egg, but I was in heaven.  And LOTS of staying power for sure.  I was not the least bit hungry that morning after eating this meal - very filling.

On Friday morning, before I went to the dentist I had Blueberry Cream Cheese Crepes with Fresh Pineapple & Wild Berry Sauce.  These were very good as well.  My daughter, who is not a blueberry person (I know how can you not be?) would have liked these too I think.  The blueberry wasn't over-powering - more of a mmmm that was good flavor.  I had these at 6:15 (yes that was crazy) because I had to be at the dentist at 7:30.  By the time he finished prepping my tooth for a cap - I was really glad I had eaten these before I left.  Somehow I was still satisfied and not even thinking about a rumbling in my tummy at noon.

Thursday's lunch was Blue Cheese Salad with Baby Corn, Hearts of Palm, Romaine Lettuce and Sun Dried Tomato with Basil Vinaigrette Dressing.  I have to be honest, I didn't think there could be another salad offered that I would love - well I am wrong, this one is so good.  The baby corns were cut into pieces (which I thought was so cute) so that it was able to be in "every bite". 

Friday's lunch was a Jamaican Style Chicken Wrap with Baby Lettuce, Red Onion and Fruit Chutney.  Now because of the dental work, I didn't eat this until Saturday.  Even having it sit in the fridge for the day didn't harm it in any way.  This was very good too.  The chicken had a little bit of a kick, but not too much.  And the Fruit Chutney ... oh I have to find a way to make this one ........... EVERYONE would like this.

Thursday's snack was Whole Wheat Beef Ravioli with Sun Dried Tomato Pesto.  These were so cute and really tasted great. 

Friday's snack was Steamed Asian Style Tuna Dumpling with Soy Dipping Sauce.  Now again because of the dental work I didn't have these ...... yet.  I will be having them this afternoon.  I will fill you in on this one too.

Thursday's dinner was Home Style Crab Cake with Oregano Broccoli Mash and Southwestern Corn Saute.  I actually had this one on Friday night because I thought it would be softer on my teeth.  Again sitting in the fridge did not effect the taste at all.  The Crab Cake was so moist and flavorful - no filler, like some crab cakes are.  I really enjoyed the sides as well. 

Friday's dinner was Turkey Sage and Pine Nut Meatballs with Sweet Potato& Leeks Mash and Roasted Water Chestnuts, which I will have tonight.  But I will say they look good.  I'll let you know later tonight.

Thursday's dessert was Sugar Free Apple Cranberry Cake.  I only took a small bite of these on Friday - because I was already full - but wanted to be able to tell you how good it was.  I mean look at it - doesn't it just look like something you would like to see on your plate?

Friday's dessert was Peanut Butter Chip Cheese Cake ....... which I have had before and is still wonderful.  What I really like is the peanut butter doesn't overtake the cheesecake, but just adds to the dish.  But then again ... its' cheesecake, what's not to love?  In my opinion, nothing.

Can't wait to see Monday's meals - but I know my Fresh Diet Fairy will be leaving me a wonderful bag of goodies without fail. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The return of The Fresh Diet Fairy

It was such a nice thing to know that The Fresh Diet would be delivered to my door for Wednesday morning.  It feels like forever since the fresh diet fairy has made his "appearance" - although I've never actually seen him.

I actually had a surprise in my delivery.  You see, in the last 22 days that I had received my Fresh Diet Buddy, it had only once arrived before 1AM and even that one time it was about 11:30.  Yes, I live a ways from the NY kitchen.  Well I think my delivery was around 10pm - I was just thinking "oh I forgot to put out my empty bag, better go before I forget" and there it was, sitting inside the back door, just outside my kitchen door.  I have to say I just LOVE my Fresh Diet Fairy!

So this morning, around 6 (yes I slept in) I came downstairs and made the coffee and went to look at what I had today for breakfast.  I had ordered my meals for this week while my son was here for a visit and to be honest I forgot WHAT I had ordered (except for dinner).

Breakfast was Hawaiian Pineapple Stuffed Whole Wheat French Toast with Strawberries and Blueberry Cottage Cheese.  I really like the stuffed French Toast from The Fresh Diet, although this wasn't my favorite.  I don't know exactly why - perhaps it was the "heated" pineapple.  I really like pineapple but I don't normally have it hot.  I have to say, I've not always liked Cottage Cheese but it did seem to "grow" on me and I started buying it at the grocery store from time to time - but it was ALWAYS plain, never with any additives (ha).   I think the only way I have had it through The Fresh Diet is with fruit of some sort.  It IS a nice change of pace.

Lunch was Mushroom Souffle & Gruyere Cheese Panini on Whole Wheat Ciabatta Bread.  I have had this one before - it is a very tasty sandwich.  I will say that I think the first time I had it was better - but I will definitely order this one again so that I can make all my "office mates" drool as I sit in the kitchen with my lunch.  Who knows I could have a whole new crop of followers when they get to witness everything that comes out of that bag.  Yes it IS this good!

My Snack for today was Chicken Skewer with Tequila Lime Glaze.  I know the picture is not all that "exciting".  Sorry  -  but how do you make 2 little "skewers" look exciting?  I think if there had been a real "glaze" that you could see and taste, this would have been an awesome snack.  Now the chicken pieces were moist and tender, but it was "just" chicken flavor no tequila lime taste to be found.  A little "cup" of glaze to add as we wanted would have been a nice touch and I bet make this snack "pop".  I'm finding I like things to be stronger flavored - I guess bland or lightly seasoned aren't for me anymore.

Dinner was Fillet of Chilean Sea Bass with Citrus Chipotle Sauce with Sauteed Baby Bok-Choy and Haricot Vert.  I have had the Sea Bass before, and back then I admitted that I really wasn't a fish person.  Well if you are even remotely adventurous - you MUST try this dish.  Coming from a non-fish person, there is no better praise, as THIS is so sweet and buttery tasting.  If nothing else THIS protein entree will make you a fish person.  I know it did for me.  Now I really like that I get my "sauce" in a little cup to add as much as I like - sometimes I like all of it and other times I like just a little and then add more as I go.  Today I put a little on top of my fish and then put a little of the "extra" on my Bok-Choy - let me tell you it was the perfect little extra to make the Bok-Choy pop!  The fish is so light and buttery tasting you don't want to over power it with too much sauce ...... but I thought oh I'll try it on the veggies too.  I WILL be doing that again.  I'm really liking the Citrus Chipotle Sauce.

Now Dessert was Apricot Cheese Cake.  I could just say ........ Cheesecake, What MORE needs to be said - but well I have to say it again.  Please tell me what plan allows you to have cheesecake (and great variety of cheesecakes) every day and still works?  This IS the only one I've seen and tried - and its working for me - enough said. 

It was cute, Jenn decided she was needing some cheesecake too, so she got some of the cheesecake factory cheesecake from the freezer (shhhh) and left it on the counter to defrost.  I came into the kitchen, saw it and called up the stairs thanking her for my chocolate cheesecake.  She was came running down the stairs saying ..... NO NO you HAVE your cheesecake and until I can get mine ......  So I didn't get "tempted" to taste hers - look at her initials "carved" into the side. 

Like THAT would have stopped me.  But then I got my own Fresh Diet Cheesecake and I didn't want hers (now chocolate cheesecake from The Fresh Diet would be nice - hint hint).

It really was nice to have The Fresh Diet Meals delivered to my door so that I didn't have to think about meals or preparation or anything while I was trying to get all my holiday shopping finished.  I know its Dec 15th and I think I am finished - this is almost unheard of.  I think the only other time I was finished before the 15th was the year I had my son - since he was due towards the end of December.  He was our Christmas present in 1985 - I came home from the hospital on Christmas afternoon with a little "extra" stocking for the tree.  That year I was finished before I went on maternity leave (two weeks before he was due).  That was 25 years ago and I don't think I have managed it since!

My point is I didn't have to worry about shopping for my meals, doing any of the preparation, no clean up to speak of ......... and I had gourmet meals without breaking a sweat!  You really should think about trying The Fresh Diet.  It really is a wonderful plan - think of it as a holiday gift to YOU from YOU.  You will definitely be glad that you did.  Check it out they have a try 5 days for $155 special going on right now.  Not a bad deal.  Check out their Facebook Page or call 1-866-FRESH-50.  Trust me YOU WILL love it

Friday, December 10, 2010

For my husband ....

They call it golf 
because all of the other four-letter words were taken.

Raymond Floyd

coffee maker wanted

ok the worst thing to happen when everyone needs to get out for work/school/whatever is to come down and find the coffee maker has died.

This happened here this morning, at 5:30 this morning there still was no coffee .... 3 very unhappy people for sure.

I'm asking, no begging, for some suggestions on a good coffee maker, that doesn't cost an arm or leg, but makes at least 12 cups relatively quickly.  We are desperate.  Not having that big pot in the early morning makes for a very unhappy family

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

CSN Holiday Giveaway Winner!

The winner has contacted me and her prize has been sent.  
Hopefully we can do something like this again - I had fun.  Hope you did too.
Thanks to all who entered.

We have a winner of the CSN Holiday Giveaway.

Using Random.org, the winner of the $65 gift certificate was number 73, who said ........ shala_darkstone said...

Tweet link: http://twitter.com/shala_darkstone/status/11022393560535040 maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How would you like 31 days of The Fresh Diet?

I know I would love to have another 31 days of the Fresh Diet delivered to my door each morning.  I love seeing my little buddy sitting at my kitchen door waiting for me.  Well I know there is another giveaway that could net you 31 days free!

Here's the not so secret secret .......... you need to get over to Listen to Lena.  She is a Canadian blogger who is blogging about her 31 day journey of The Fresh Diet meals.  In honor of this journey, The Fresh Diet has offered to give one of her readers their own 31 days of meals.

Check out her first day's post, where you will get to see just how excited she is to start tasting and sharing at
Listen To Lena - day 1 and then go enter for your own 31 days of The Fresh Diet at lena loves fresh diet.  I know I am going to enter again and get Jenn to do it too (have to see how she does that without a blog but I KNOW it can be done)

Well hurry ---- I know you like how I show my meals, now you can see how much someone else shows and loves their meals as well.

And don't forget to get over to The Fresh Diet Facebook Page - they are always having contests and random giveaways for their friends.  I know I've told you this before, but remember YOU could score 3 free days or a week or a month of free meals just by being a regular at their page. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

Top Reasons I LOVE The Fresh Diet

I have been doing the Fresh Diet for a few weeks now since I won a free week back in October.  Now granted, I have not been eating The Fresh Diet way for straight weeks since I won my first week, but I have seen a huge change in me and in the scale.  I think if I had been doing this every week I would be darned close, if not AT my goal weight.  That is why I got to thinking about how much I LOVE this way of eating.

So here are the top 10 reasons I love this plan.

10)  There nothing difficult in the preparation of these meals.  Seriously how easy is it to open the cute bag that the meals come in, put it on a plate, microwave it for oh a minute or so and EAT.  Don't think it gets any easier than that.

9)  It is THE EASIEST plan I have ever followed.  I do not have to add one thing, nothing, nada, zip.  EVERYTHING I need is in the bag (so to speak).  Oh wait I do have to add something - water, tea, coffee whatever it is I want to drink each day.  But water is the best thing and for all intent and purposes everyone has access to this drink every day.

8)  The food tastes WONDERFUL.  What other affordable plan can you do that is prepared under the guidance of a Le Cordon Bleu trained chef?  None that I know of.  I truly feel like I have my own personal chef - so this is how it feels to be one of the rich (and famous?) ....

7) I love the Variety!  I get to pick my meals for each day.  I have the ability to choose what I want to eat from 4 different entrees for each meal each day.  And I only have to pick these meals 3 or 4 days in advance (depending on weekends).  I don't have to eat the same 3 or 4 meals I "like" because the menu changes EVERY day.  I don't have to decide 30 days in advance like some plans. 

6)  My meals are fresh every day.  My delivery arrives in the wee hours of the morning (could be any time between 7PM the night before and 5AM the morning of) so nothing is dehydrated, shelf stable, cardboardy - its all fresh made.

5)  Customer Service is a top priority at The Fresh Diet.  If you have a question or a problem (which is rare) the customer service personnel are first rate, caring, personable individuals that treat you like a real person not a number or a dollar sign.  They bend over backwards to make you feel like part of the family AND make sure that you are happy with your decision to eat The Fresh Diet way every day.

4)  Support is everywhere.  You can join their Facebook page and talk to people who are using the program, have used the program, work for the company, or want to.  There are pictures of the meals from the kitchen posted by both TFD and users of the plan.  Customer Service is just a phone call away or online if you would rather - they have a great concierge service and their own blog and email that is truly answered.  In short - you are never alone when you are following The Fresh Diet Meal Plan.

3)  The Fresh Diet Facebook Page.  I know that I mentioned that in number 4 but in addition to the support you get there ..... you can also win free days or weeks just by being a "friend" and participating in the fun that goes on there.  Some people have won 3 free days just because - those are Random  winners.  Some have won a week because they entered a contest (like I did) and won or were one of those "overgiven" prizes that the Fearless Facebook Leader loves to give.  And some have won grand prizes ...... like I did, for a free month - 31 days of meals!

2)  Cheesecake.  Ok you say what the heck does that have to do with a "diet" plan.  Well I have to tell you this is one of the desserts that you can have EACH AND EVERY DAY.  Please tell me what other plan allows you to have cheesecake every day and still work?  There are always 6 different choices for dessert / snack every day, 3 are savory and 3 are sweet.  One is a cheesecake option.  How good does that sound?

Now if you have gotten down this far, or have been reading my blog, you know that I think this is an exceptional plan.  I have received some free weeks and I did win a free month (yay me)- but I also bought during their awesome Black Friday Sale so I am a "true" customer. 

But I have to say the number one reason I LOVE The Fresh Diet is .............

1)  It works. Plain and simple - it works without making you crazy.  It teaches you portion control without making you crazy.  It gives you good, tasty, fresh, wholesome food that leads you to the ultimate goal of weight loss and good health.

To date I have lost 10 lbs over the roughly 3 weeks I have been doing this (again remember it was off and on because of scheduling oh and that wonderful holiday food fest, I mean Thanksgiving) and I KNOW that it will continue.  I look forward to the day, in the not too distant future, when I can shout from the roof tops that I HAVE made goal and I WILL stay there - all because of The Fresh Diet Meals and what it has taught me.  Now you may look at my achievement and say - well so what its just 10 lbs.  Let me tell you, for a woman in her 50s (oh that sounds much too old to be me) this is huge.  That works out to be just over 3 lbs a week, at a time when my body is going through all kinds of changes again.  And this is what I have kept off over the 2 months since I've been doing this on and off.  I also had Thanksgiving just a week or so ago and even that didn't derail my progress.  I have reached that point in life when it seems it is extremely difficult to lose, my body is holding on to every ounce - to put it bluntly pre-menopause/menopause sucks - so 10 lbs gone is a really big deal.  And now with the Christmas season (and all those parties and get-togethers that ALWAYS multiply) I know that I have my little buddy arriving on a regular schedule to keep my moving in the right direction.

I know that during the extremely busy tax season that I will be going through shortly (shhhh taxes are not a subject we want to dwell on right now) The Fresh Diet meals will be my saving grace.  I will not have to worry about the usual weight gain that happens during this time of year because of grab and go eating.  There will be no quick and easy take-out or those greasy unhealthy fast food meals for me this year - I WILL be dining on gourmet meals.  I will be enjoying GOOD food during this harrowing time and I KNOW the pounds will NOT creep on and I expect to lose even more during this stressful time of year.

Follow along as I continue to show what I get to eat each day.  Better yet join the Fresh Diet and get your own meals so that you too can be on the "losing train".  Before you know it we will both be at our goal weight - even if I have a head start on you!  Call 1-866-373-7450 and tell them I sent you.

And no this was not a solicited post - as a matter of fact they didn't even know what my post was about until it was read by both you and them.  It is MY feelings and MY desire to help spread the word for this wonderful program that is making me the best I can be each and every day.   I am so very happy that I had the opportunity to try this program and now keep going because of the wonderful pricing plan I got on Black Friday.  Thank you The Fresh Diet - I truly am IN LOVE ....... with a diet program that WORKS