_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Microwave Poached Eggs

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Microwave Poached Eggs

I don't know how many folks liked poached eggs, either on toast or as Eggs Benedict, but I know it is a great idea so that breakfast doesn't get boring.  I also know that I have tried to make them on the stove-top and have had to be very very careful to make them 1) stay together as I put in the water and 2) not break as I'm getting it together on the toast or English muffin.

Here we have a perfect solution from Tupperware.  This month, we have our Breakfast maker that has 2 inserts that make those problems disappear.  The instructions say add 3 tablespoons of water to the inserts and add an egg.  I say, if you add the 3 tablespoons and the egg isn't submerged (or almost submerged) add a little more water, then microwave about a minute.  Done!

Eggs Benedict anyone?  As easy as this is, I bet you could make these any morning - not just on a weekend.  Or how about an nice brunch or even breakfast for dinner!

Need some Hollandaise sauce?  

Melt 10 Tbsp unsalted butter. 
Put 3 egg yolks, a tablespoon of lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon salt into the Power Chef and mix until eggs lighten in color. 
Slowly dribble in the melted butter (still hot/warm)while continuing to blend. Taste for salt and acidity and add more salt and/or lemon juice to taste.
Use while warm or put into a microwave safe container with a pouring spout.

I am thinking you could either cut this down so that you don't have a huge amount of Hollandaise Sauce (I'm thinking 1/3 would work - 3 T and 1 tsp of butter, 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp of lemon juice and a dash of salt).  Since this is not "cooked" make sure you are using pasteurized eggs for safety.  

The breakfast maker with the poached egg inserts are only available with the Mid August brochure (at least that's all I know of right now) so if you want to check this out - jump on over to my Tupperware Site.  The price is really great too ... its almost as if you buy the inserts and get the breakfast maker FREE!

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