Bergen Bartenders have "created" or "shared" some pretty nice concoctions to get through the cold.
I already like a few, may not be exactly the way they are showing it, but that just means that perhaps we need to try "another version" of a love.
This is one version of an Irish Coffee, that of course looks a little different then what I've had, but hey I'm game.
Now this one sounds great - especially since we are having the worst Flu season in years ... This is the Irish Flu Shot. Are you getting the theme here?
I know many people have had a glass of Hot Buttered Rum, but for some reason, I am not one of them. I guess with this site, I can now try it.
Here's another one that is "cold" and fits with the winter wonderland here in New Jersey.
I give you the Frostini.
Thank you for some awesome ideas for this winter season. Now to check my liquor cabinet and then decide if I have time to pick up what I still need to try all of these ..
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