_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: January 2021

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Don't Underestimate me

 I just saw this one and thought that it nails it.

Don't underestimate me

I know more than I say.

Think more than I speak. 


Notice more than you realize.

I've always said to my kids, when they aren't sure what to say because they don't want to seem like they don't know what is going on, so many times they say nothing.

I remind them at that point, they should say nothing, or very little, but continue to listen and watch what overs say or do.

Sometimes, ok most of the time, you learn more by watching or listening then people realize.  There are times that you learn more than others wanted you to just by being silent.  

But being silent, doesn't mean you don't know some or all of what is going on, and THAT scares them more than anyone will admit.  

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Putting things in perspective

 I saw this on a post on LinkedIn and I wish I could tell you who it was that originally posted (and possibly wrote) this gem, but I can't find the poster.  It was written in chalk on a sidewalk in what looked to be a somewhat busy city street.  

But I think once you read it and then think about it you will agree with me when I say ... THIS has to be the best quote to start the new year.

When 2020 started, 
I thought it would be the year that I 
GOT everything I WANTED.
Now I know that 2020 was the year I learned to


Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year!


I know that 2020 was not the best year in my life or yours ....  


I wanted to make sure I was able to wish you all ....