_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Halloween Scenes

Monday, October 17, 2011

Halloween Scenes

It does look like Halloween could be fun around here this year.  I was driving this weekend and saw some very interesting yards that I had to stop and take some pictures.

Now these were VERY QUIET streets - I was the only one of the street kind of quiet.  So it was ok for me to stop and take pictures.  I think I will have to go out and check out some more quiet streets and see how they are decorated.  Our street is pretty busy AND without sidewalks so not one trick or treater will be found in my area of town.  Even when my kids were younger (ok forever ago) we didn't do trick or treat around here - no sidewalks, no streetlights means no walking around.  We use to go to one of the developments in the area - it was THE spot on Halloween.

How is your neighborhood decorated?  Do you get a lot of kids for Halloween?

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