_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: February 2020

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Women over 30 ...

Everyone seems to have an idea of what you should be doing at any given time.
You are either too young to do something or you are too old to be doing something.

Personally there are times that I want to know who died and left them in charge.

Now I know that I would be the first one to be beating the band when children or the elderly or those who can't advocate for themselves.
I would also be beating the band when it involves animal care/welfare.  

But once you become an adult and are "old enough" to take care of yourself, you should be making good decisions for yourself without someone else telling you what to do.  This doesn't mean that you could never ask for help and get that help, if it is truly needed, but if you are an adult it is time to act like one.

This however is something that I think every, and I mean EVERY, woman needs to hear.  

Now that's not to say that it only applies to those women over 30 because it definitely doesn't, but by the time you get to the age of 30 it is time.  Let's face it, most of us have expectations of ourselves that are pretty high and God knows we can be pretty self -judgmental.  

I hate to say it, but I wish I had seen this before I got to 30, because I really think it would have been one of the best pieces of advice I could have been given.  

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Why you need to surround yourself with special people

Reminders abound this week ....

these are the people who will help you be the best that you can be.

Don't allow yourself to be drawn into the drama of others that make you less than what you know deep down that you are and can be.

Make that dash very full.

Make that dash something that your family can look back on with pride.  This doesn't mean you won't make mistakes .. we all do .. but you need to be able to learn from them and teach others where you went wrong.  Even if that teaching moment is showing that you can rise above those mistakes.

Make that dash the BEST it can be, so that when YOU look back on YOUR life, YOU will be proud of where you have come and what you have accomplished.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

How you make others feel ...

I've been seeing/hearing a lot of "disagreement" over the half-time show during the Super Bowl.

Now I know that everyone has their own opinion and that we have the right, at least in this country, to our own thoughts and opinions about everything.  We also have the right to express them.  
And of course I am ok with that.  It is part of what makes this country great.
Silly me, I thought that others were good with that too.

I have never heard so many unkind comments, many were rather vulgar and/or vicious, when someone expressed how they thought the performance was not "family friendly" or didn't show the performers in the most favorable light, among other things.  

Have we gotten to the point where no one can have an opinion that may be different without being told just how stupid or idiotic they are or ... well even worse comments.   
Some of those comments were pretty vulgar and some reminded me of those from high school cat fights.  And I have to ask myself .. how old are these people??

And then after those types of comments, folks actually noted that this was really no different than what can be seen everyday in school or on the street or and I loved this one ... it's just like the rest of the Super Bowls of the past few years so what's the big deal?  

Really??  That makes it ok and your comments abusing the original commentor is also ok?
I really felt bad for those folks.  

Now I bet you thought I was feeling bad about those folks that were being called those horrible names.  And I did.
But in reality I was feeling even more for the folks making those comments.  

Think about this ...

How bad do they have to feel deep down to have to try and make someone else feel bad about themselves?  Does that make them feel better?  Does it make them feel happy because they upset someone else.

Have we really become a nation that believes there is ONLY one way to think and if you don't think like them on EVERYTHING then YOU are the one that is wrong?

I hope not ... cause I may just have to be wrong constantly.
How do you feel about it all?

Sunday, February 2, 2020

It's Groundhog Day!

Happy Groundhog Day

Yes this furry little guy's day.

Did you see him?

Did you watch as he proclaimed what was going to happen for the next 6 weeks?

Unfortunately for me ... I will be watching, maybe, because well even though it is Sunday and I could have slept in (at least for a little while), its also Super Bowl Sunday.  

So I will have a ton of things to get done before we go party with everyone, whether it is to actually watch the game or check out what all that money bought in Super Bowl Ads!

Anyway ... that is for another post.

Do you have a "Phil" where you live?
We have the infamous Punxsutawney Phil in Gobbler's Knob, but I know they have had comments of so many other's around the country.  If so what is his (or her) name?

What is the weather suppose to be like this year? 
Do you believe it?
Are you happy about it?