_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Baby It's Cold Outside giveaway hop

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Baby It's Cold Outside giveaway hop

It's time, winter has arrived everywhere I believe.  So it's time for

Our hosts for this event are again
and will run through January 31st

All of the blogs that are participating will be including prizes worth at least $25.

My prize will be Tupperware's 
Disney Valentine's Day pieces
ARV $56
since Valentine's Day is 
just around the corner.

As I am a Tupperware Consultant, I am self sponsoring this prize, and will be shipped directly from me.

I love this cute set but be advised that it is only available for sale until January 29th, another reason it will be shipped directly from me.  

If you don't want to take the chance that you won't be the lucky winner and know someone special that would like these pieces, you can grab them from my Tupperware Site.

This would be cute for Valentine's Day for your young special someone, or even for your lunch whether on Valentine's Day or any time. Love is always a time to be celebrated and this is perfect.  I know I will be using these for my lunch and will have one of these tumblers on my desk all during the upcoming tax season. 

Once you are finished entering here, don't forget to visit all the other bloggers who are part of this hop.  There are always new and exciting things found in these hops!  

Good Luck!
Hope you get all kinds of congrats letters, especially one from me!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good luck as you hop around to the other bloggers in this event shown in the linky below


Unknown said...

Love the tupperware. I have some tupperware that I got for my wedding 26 years ago.

Kathy E. said...

No, we haven't made plans just yet. We usually go out to dinner at a favorite restaurant and I'll make a special dessert. I really like the hearts Tupperware!

Jackie said...

We will probably go out to dinner for Valentine's Day.
Thank you!

Darlene said...

We are going out to dinner and a good movie.

Mama Blamer said...

I don't have plans for valentine's day. we will most likely do nothing.

Dianna said...

No Valentine's Day plans. We usually just make a nice meal at home, enjoying it as a family.

Suburban prep said...

We usually just stay home and have a nice dinner together.

LeahSay's Views - Bonnie said...

No plans other than baking a few treats for the grandchildren. Valentine's day isn't really a big deal in our family.

Michelle Elizondo said...

I have no plans. My husband may be working.

Betsy Barnes said...

Usually for Valentine's Day, my hubby and I cook together. We pick a new recipe, have wine and music. It is always a fun date night in! :)

Heather McDonald said...

I currently don't have any plans but I suppose I should start figuring that out soon huh?! lol

Farm Quilter said...

I'll will be spending Valentine's day with my daughter in Hawaii.

Caroline B said...

My husband and I will go to our favorite restaurant for a good meal :)

Ashley Chassereau Parks said...

I don't have any plans for Valentine's Day right now. I will probably make a special dinner and dessert for my hubby and kids! :)

Julie Lynn Bickham said...

Hopefully going out to dinner with my boyfriend!

Shayna said...


Anonymous said...

We haven't made any plans and normally don't.

Holly Thomas said...

We haven't made any plans yet.

Unknown said...

We will most likely just go out for dinner. It is what we do every year.

Jeanna said...

We have not made any plans yet, but hoping for a nice relaxing evening at home!

Paol Trenny said...

Dinner and a movie with my hubby and kids - maybe PF Chang and Star Wars.

Unknown said...

I do not really have any plans probably just spend time with my daughter and boyfriend.

bn100 said...

no plans

Richard Brandt said...

No plans yet. Maybe I'll go outside and bring in the Sunday paper.

Melissa Storms said...

I haven't made any plans yet. We usually stay home and I make something heart shaped for dinner or dessert.

bookbunny68 said...

No plans. I will babysit my granddaughter while my daughter and SIL go out.

beachgirl0323 said...

Probably go out to eat then come home to some of my favorite cupcakes.

Victoria Barbour said...

No, we haven't made any plans for Valentines Day yet

Unknown said...

We haven't even talked about Valentine's day yet. I'm sure we'll go out to eat or something.

Charity Cram said...

I haven't make any plans. Thank you for the chance to win!

bison61 said...

we haven't made big plans we'll just go out for supper

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

Unknown said...

I have not even thought about that. I guess I will figure it out soon though.

Isaiahsmom said...

I would like to go out for dinner on Valentine's Day.

susansmoaks said...

we are going to stay home and enjoy each other's company.

It's Me De said...

We usually stay home and go out the night before, to avoid the crowded long lines. We're both boring like that. lol

Michele said...

I don't have plans for Valentine's Day. I avoid restaurants that day!

Heather B said...

I do not have any Valentine's day plans right now.

Jeanna Massman said...

We will probably go out to dinner at one our favorite restaurants.

Catherine Maguire said...

Have a Romantic Comedy movie marathon.

H. Boland said...

No plans, probably doing fun stuff with my 3 kids.

heymissvirginia said...

I haven't made any but we will probably go out to dinner.
heymissvirginia at embarqmail dot com

deallieb said...

Me and my son will order takeout and play video games for Valebtune's day this year.

Unknown said...

We don't really have any plans...it's just another day as usual around here.

Unknown said...

We don't have any Valentine's Plans

Wendy Caddy said...

No plans,but would like to get together with my youngest grandkids to make valentines and bake some treats.

Shannon O. said...

I'm going to dinner and a movie with my husband.

luckynordberg said...

I don't have valentine's day plans yet!

Belinda said...

No plans yet. Maybe go out for ice cream with my hubby and then spend the evening hanging out with our kiddos :)

Anonymous said...

My husband is returning home from his 6m deployment, so we are just spending time together.

ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

We usually go out to a nice restaurant for dinner.

Lori M said...

we haven't made plans yet, having 2 children that play basketball in hs makes it hard to make plans during dec/jan/feb.

MELINA said...

On Valentine's I will be celebrating my 12th wedding anniversary. We will probably go out to dinner as a whole family.

slogan1990 said...

Honestly haven't really thought of anything. We don't usually do anything extravagant!

polly said...

We are going to watch our 2 grandsons so their mommy & daddy can have a nice date night. We will go out to dinner the night before to celebrate!

vera said...

We usually stay home. I don't like large crowds so we'll probably do take out.

ken ohl said...

plan on going to dinner and a movie. thankyou, ken pohl19@comcast.net

Uni said...

This year I'll be spending it with my 5 year old daughter Avy. V-Day would have been my 6th Anniversary, but my divorce will be finalized on March 1st, so needless to say I won't be celebrating it lol. That's okay, because this year I'll have the best date <3

Jan Lee said...

I think I'll be spending it with someone I just met, but only online :) I'll also send some cards and call my great niece and great nephew :)

Taryn said...

No plans yet but will probably be going out for dinner

Unknown said...

My husband and I usually make plans to go out to dinner but this year we are planning on staying home with our kids and having them help us make something! <3

Lin Gorenkoff said...

I'm spending the afternoon with my fiance.

Anne said...

I have no plans.

Happishopr said...

We will most likely stay home, grill out and enjoy wine and music for Valentine's Day.

Andrea Darst said...

No plans yet, but probably will go to dinner with my hubby.

Anonymous said...

No plans yet we shall see

Unknown said...

I love tupperware. I do not have any plans for valentines day. Just another day here.

Patricia said...

We havent made any plans yet. I will probably make a special dinner for my family.

alona y said...

We don't have any plans for valentines, typically we might do something small for each other but not a big deal!

sherylssg said...

No plans for me. No different than any other day.

Michelle Macaluso said...

We are going to play Bingo at a special Valentine's Day session. My husband and I love Bingo and don't get to go that often.

Peggy Damon said...

As of right now I don't have any plans for Valentine's Day. Normally hubby and I will go out to dinner, or maybe I'll cook something special at home to include the kids

Beth Hern said...

Haven't really made any plans so far but more than likely will make a delicious meal for my hubby and my kids.

Crystal K. said...

We don't do anything special that day.

PAIGE said...

No plans yet. Haven't heard back from Brad Pitt. :)

Videoclimber said...

No plans yet! Good thing I still have time to come up with something!

Aaron said...

I have no Valentine's Day plans.

Sherry said...

I don't have any plans for Valentine's Day yet. It really depends on if I have to work that day.

Robin A said...

We will be going out to a nice dinner and then going to see a movie

jeanette sheets said...

taking my mother and chikdren out for dinner and movie

courtney hennagir said...

My only plans this year are to watch The Walking Dead with my hubby! We aren't big Valentine's day people.

Barb said...

No plans dinner home family.

wen budro said...

I have not made any plans yet. Hopefully, some chocolates are in my future, though.

Terra Heck said...

We don't have any specific plans yet but my guess is that we will order food in and watch some movies, as well as exchange gifts. Thanks.

Unknown said...

For Valentines Day we are just having date night at home

Unknown said...

I rarely do anything on holidays except cook and bake.

Kimberley Meier said...

We have plans to go out with 2 other couples to play trivia at a local bar but it's on the 12th but I'm counting it as our Valentine's night out.

Kimberley Meier
momof3chaos at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I don't have any plans other than going to work.

Unknown said...

I have not made any plans yet, but probably keeping it low key this year

justwin4once said...

We have dinner reservations for a romantic candlelight dinner at our local Waffle House.

Katrina Angele said...

We do have plans. Dinner at our favorite Mexican place and then head over for a movie....Deadpool!!

Sandra Watts said...

I would be happy to just get Chinese take out and stay at home and watch movies.

Unknown said...

We will go out to dinner and a movie

Linda Kish said...

I have no plans. Single, no significant other.

Denise said...

We're near Disneyland and I made reservations for us at the Steakhouse 55 restaurant in the Disneyland Hotel.

Unknown said...

We will be spending Valentines Day at home we got married on the 15th and we choose to celebrate on that day and it helps because restaurants are not as crowded, been 49 years and still doing great married.

stayrobs said...

No idea! My husband says he has made plans for us though ;)

Judy Schechter said...

Since I am currently single I have no plans for Valentine's Day. Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

AEKZ2 said...

We haven't made any plans for Valentine's Day yet.