_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Another 100th post Giveaway!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Another 100th post Giveaway!

We have some very prolific bloggers of late. Here is another blogger who is having a giveaway for their 100th Post!

It gives both a gift certificate to a bookstore (Barnes and Noble) AND the PERFECT book (in my opinion) a book on De-cluttering! Now that is fantastic since everyone needs to de-clutter every now and again. God knows I NEED help.


I'm in - so I am in the running - you need to get moving though - it ends on January 30th. Now I know that doesn't sound like its that close ...... BUT its already January 22nd! Where the HECK has January gone already.??

1 comment:

Debie Napoleon said...

Thanks for the visit and the bloggy love. Good luck with the giveaway.