_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: It's a Bundle of Joy Giveaway!

Friday, August 7, 2015

It's a Bundle of Joy Giveaway!

Bundle of Joy Giveaway

I am so excited to be part of this Giveaway!
I've once again hooked up with Katherine from Katherine's Corner and a wonderful group of bloggers to bring you this wonderful opportunity.

It is time for another great giveaway at Katherines Corner 
and this month's 
Bundle of Joy Giveaway 
is sure to make you smile. 
You have the opportunity to win this beautiful handmade quilt and a bundle of cash too. $200 (via PayPal) .

One winner will receive-
a handmade Sweet Treats baby quilt 
from Unique Baby Quilt Boutique
$200 (USD) in PayPal Cash
Your Hostesses

Katherine- Katherines Corner

Entering is Easy, 
just log into the entry form 
using your email address or Facebook 
and click on the first entry 
on the rafflecopter form. 
Please read the terms and conditions 
and write yes.

Open to all Katherines Corner 
subscribers over 18 where permitted . 
Giveaway starts today and ends August 31st.

If you are a blogger, 
Copy the button below for an extra entry. 
Please place it on your blog 
with a link back to the giveaway 
(see rafflecopter entry form 
Grab The Button entry option)

(remember to let us know where to find it).
Good luck in the Bundle of Joy Giveaway


  1. Kat, thank you for your continued friendship and for being my giveaway partner xox

  2. If i win i use the paypal cash to buy some books

  3. I love, love, loe "Animal I Spy"

  4. My favorite quilt is the Heartly Pink and Green design. So pretty! Thank-you for this generous chance. :)

  5. I would use the PayPal cash to pay a couple of bills and get some things I want and need for my apartment. Thank-you!!

  6. I like the heartly pink quilt. Thank you for the entry.

  7. I would start my christmas shopping

  8. I would use the Paypal to buy books.

  9. If I won I would spend the paypal money on a new laptop


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