_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: October 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What Happiness Isn't

I know that sounds kind of strange - What happiness ISN'T....

BUT sometimes in this world of MUST haves and MUST do and MUST get ... we sometimes need to be reminded what will really bring you happiness and what won't.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween Decorations

I seem to not decorate at all for Halloween, even when my kids were small.  I did have a "Halloween Wreath" that I would put on the back door (where we always entered the house) but that was it.  I don't know if it was because of where we lived, on a relatively busy street with no sidewalks and little streetlight, or if it was because it was a "short lived" holiday but NOW I have the perfect decoration!

How about you?  Do you decorate for Halloween or did I just give you your Halloween Decorations?

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Beautiful People

Sometimes these are the STRONGEST people around ...... and the most BEAUTIFUL
But most of the time, they don't even realize it and if you tell them they are - they will disagree
But we know they are, because Beautiful People Do Not Just Happen......

..... they have been created because of the events in their lives.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

A lesson about Time

Sometimes we forget what it means when we here ... everything in its own time.

Here is a perfect way to describe it ... Karma

So do you understand now why it is always a good thing to be good AND do good?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Upcoming Blogger Event - Giveaway Sign Up

Celebrate Your Holiday Wish
Giveaway Sign-Up
Prize $300 Target Gift Card

November 11-30 , 2013
Open to US
Celebrate-Your-Holiday-Wish-Giveaway-EventOrganized by Celebrate Woman Today

Details For You To Know About

• Event Dates: 11/11-11/30, 2013
• Post the announcement about this giveaway (Find the copy to post here) of pay the $5 fee (pay via PayPal to vivaseo@mac.com, and put your blog name if you’re paying)

Don't forget to tell them that Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE referred you - thanks
Tell them My BLOG Referred You to this event! I really appreciate it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dreams and Love

Sometimes I think we need to be reminded
when the world gets much too hectic 

I hope that this will be a great reminder so that
 your heart will be filled with the best of dreams
your soul will be filled with all the love you can handle!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My Strength

You see I refuse to be kept down.  I refuse to admit that I can not do something, be something that I want to do or be unless I have tried and tried and tried again ...
knock me down and I WILL get back up -

How about YOUR strength?
Where does YOUR strength come from?

Monday, October 21, 2013

Underestimated Power

I think this says it all ........ with no further explanation needed

So what do you think?
Does this say it all?

Saturday, October 19, 2013

You can still get PINK for one more week with Tupperware!

There is still one week remaining for these great Tupperware PINK pieces.  These pieces are only available until midnight on October 25th EASTERN time!

I really love these pieces - I have been using mine for "cookies" and "snackies" so I know when I need to refill and when I am "just fine".  Cause you KNOW when the munchies hit you don't want to be without!

And then we have this AWESOME tumbler that is also still available until Oct 25th.  You get to show your support for Breast Cancer (and all Cancer for that matter) Awareness AND have your drink always at hand.  I've been using mine for my "home made" iced coffee drinks.   This is really perfect for those .... especially with the Drip-Less Straw seal!  Can't be losing any of those PERFECTIONS if the tumbler just happens to fall over.

You can pick up both at my online Tupperware Site , which you know is open 24 hours a day.  You can also jump on my online party (upper right sidebar link) and order at any time.  There is always a party going on there, .... we just live to PARTY!

Don't forget to get these before midnight on October 25th or you could be left out!  I know there were people last year that were begging for PINK after the close of the month - lets not let that be you this year!

As always, you can shop online (think HOLIDAY shopping too) on my Tupperware Site

Friday, October 18, 2013

Your Effort Account

What ?? You don't know what an Effort Account is??

Well now do you know what an effort account is?

I'm sure you do --- now start making those daily deposits.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

FridgeSmart by Tupperware

Now is definitely the time to pick up these beauties because they are on SALE!

Yes they will definitely SAVE you MONEY by keeping your fresh fruits and veggies FRESH and ready for use for a MUCH LONGER period of time.  If you don't want to believe just me, check out this post, Tupperware FridgeSmart Containers review on the blog of Simply Stacy!

Now I also have to share how one of our directors has shared about a demo for the fantastic FridgeSmart Containers.  This is how she got her audience involved and realizing just how many people NEED this product!

Raise your right hand if you have ever bought fruits and veggies?
Raise your left hand if you have ever thrown out fruits and veggies because they went bad before you could eat them?

Now, wiggle your right fingers if your strawberries have ever grown a white beard.
Wiggle your left fingers if your lettuce has ever been slimed while in the crisper drawer?

Look around and everyone is in the same boat!

BUT I can show you how to store your fruits and veggies, yes even strawberries, so they stay FRESH and READY for you to eat much longer!

If you are interested in these great Tupperware pieces, you can check them out further and purchase from my Tupperware Site 

I had shared some of the great options available with this current Mid Month brochure here  where you can share with your best girlfriend and "share the cost" of this great product.

If you would like to add to this, the current "attendance offer" you would need to either have your own book party, Ask me how, so that everyone who made a purchase from you (and thereby with me) could purchase the FridgeSmart Medium Container for just $13 OR contact me so that I can add your purchase to my open party.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Limits on girls?

I think this one pretty much says it all ..........

So Tell Me
Are you a "girl" or a "wise" girl ??  

I think Marilyn Monroe was a pretty wise girl  .......

REACH for the Moon, 
Even if you miss
You will land among the Stars!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Tupperware Mid Month Brochure ... Mid Oct 2013

There are some really great things that are available with this new Mid month brochure.  Remember there is always always a party going on here at Kat's Tupperware Site

I have the "older" set of FridgeSmart containers but these are even nicer!  I have kept blueberries and strawberries, even raspberries in my fridge longer than seemed possible and still be able to eat them as if there were just recently put into the fridge!  My hubs loves that - he gets to have fruit with his breakfast on Sunday - until the FridgeSmart containers that rarely happened unless I got to the store on Saturday .... not with all those crazy crowds!  Fresh lettuce, spinach, kale, so many wonderful things can be stored in these and still be fresh, in some cases for WEEKS .... can't do that in those green bags!

And then here we have the highlights of the mid-October brochure.  Think about things for the upcoming holidays ...... the serving set is wonderful and looks great on your table.

How about some great items for the kids lunchbox?  Hello Kitty is wonderful as is the SpongeBob Tumbler.  And the Carry-All is a great way to keep all those precious things that your kids bring home from school that they made "Just for YOU".

Want one of those attendance offers?  We can create a book party and get them for you AND if you want to get a few friends together - we could try and get you some awesome hostess bonuses too!  Ask me how.

I also hear - although its not on this "one page" quick sheet that the pink tumbler that was on sale last week has been continued through Oct 25th!  It can be found on my Tupperware Site if you want one of those too!  I LOVE mine.  I can make a nice iced coffee, or one of those "fancy" and "expensive" coffees and have it in this tumbler and not have to worry about it spilling before I finish it.

So if you missed it last week ... there is still time.  I know I LOVE LOVE LOVE mine and won't give it up -  so if you want one for yourself NOW is the time to get it before it is gone for good.

There are so many wonderful things available on my Tupperware Site that I hope you will check out.  Think about the upcoming holidays and think about getting your shopping done at one time in one place.  Yes it can be done here with Tupperware.

And to add to your shopping pleasure, everyone who places at least $50 in product orders from my site (at one time) will receive a gift from me.  You need to email me your order number and date of order so I can track your information.  The easiest way to do this ... click on the "current party" link at the top right sidebar and I will get a notice of your purchase.

Thanks - pass it on to all your friends and family.  If you would like to do a book party - we can make that work too ........ just let me know what you want to do.

Friday, October 11, 2013


Sometimes we forget 
to look for happiness 
as we are running around 
trying to get EVERYTHING done

So I thought for today ... I would remind you.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Juil the PERFECT fit for today and every day!

I was contacted by Peter from Juil a few weeks ago to review their product.  In case you don't know, Juil is a "relatively" new company based in Milwaukee, WI.   They are a self described "eclectic office full of yogis, fitness enthusiasts, and footwear expertsthat I believe has much wonderfulness in it's future.

This company has recently been included in a  Huffington Post article titled, “6 Awesome Yoga Accessories You’ve Never Heard Of.”

I was provided with a pair of their sandals (Brio in Pewter below) to help in my review.  This is a post of my thoughts regarding the Juil Brio Sandals.

Like many of you, being barefoot is as natural to me as breathing.  Don't get me wrong, I like shoes - GOOD shoes, but if I could be barefoot all day, every day I would be a happy camper.  But we all know that is not possible - and living in NJ there are more times than not that it is neither practical or "proper".  I have to say this is no longer a problem for me - I am IN LOVE.

Although these sandals really "look" nice and "feel" good when wearing (shoes/sandals made from leather is always a good start), I wanted to know what really made them "different".

The company notes that Juil was created to enhance your well-being.  These sandals help to cleanse your body of stress and toxins, letting you live a healthier, balanced life. They’re not only comfortable, but they recreate that calming feeling that you've come to associate with walking barefoot.

In the science world, this is a concept known as grounding.   The short version – Studies have shown that maintaining a direct connection between our bodies and the Earth’s surface is beneficial to our health.

Wearing grounding sandals makes that direct connection for you.

The copper "dots" in Juil shoes act as a conduit and allow you to stay truly connected and balanced.  

You have one copper dot for each toe and one at your heel.  I will admit at first I was a little concerned that these "dots" would be uncomfortable or just "feel weird" as I was walking.  Those "fears" lasted about 5 minutes, from the time I put them on my feet I was amazed at just how comfortable they were.

Yes being that they are leather, it does, for some people, take a little bit of getting use to.  For me the leather band was a little tight at first, but not horribly so.  To "break" them in, as with any leather shoe, I wore them for just a few hours a day for the first 3 days.  Now, I don't want to take them off!

One of the things that I noticed was how I felt in the morning when I first got up.  In the past, when I first got out of bed my left foot (and sometimes my right) would hurt like it needed to be "stretched" out and would take my walk from the bedroom at one end of my house to the kitchen (can you say morning coffee) on the other, before that "stretching out" was done.  Since I have been regularly wearing my Brio's, I have found that this is happening less and less.  Now I'm not a doctor, so I'm not saying that I have any "medical fact" to support this - it's just my experience.

Oh and it's not just the ladies that can benefit from these awesome sandals, they have some for men too!  You can be a Juil "family" because the man in your life isn't left out.

When your Juil shandals arrive, you will also receive a very cute bag (the material is based on the Juil logo/theme) that I'm sure you could use to store your sandals when not in use but if you are a yoga enthusiast this would be perfect for carrying your yoga mat/gear.

They have been featured in NordstromsAthleta but you can also search for a store near you on their site. They are also having some great special pricing at Juil to make way for upcoming product, so you might want to hurry on over there and see what you can find. 

If, like some of my friends, the thought of having a thong like sandal makes you cringe (I know not all of us can stand that piece between our toes) they have versions without the thong strap like the Bali shown here.  See they do have a great sandal for everyone.

As I said I am loving my Brio's and don't want to take them off.  I am hoping that the upcoming product will include some kind of "closed" footwear - like a clog - that I can use during the upcoming winter months.

Another thing I like about this company, other than their great product, is their desire to make a difference. In 2012, Juil partnered with Soles4Souls. For each pair of Juil footwear purchased, a pair of shoes was donated to a person in need in a developing country. They support various international and local causes that are important to Juil and to their customers.  It's not all about making a profit - its about making a difference..... both for their customers and the world.

Thank you Peter and Juil for an awesome product.  I can't wait to see what your upcoming product is ... maybe I will start the line so I can be one of the first to sample ... ok everyone the line to purchase their new product starts  ..... JUIL

I would suggest that you join their Facebook Page or connect via Twitter  or even Pinterest to make it very easy to keep up with new things that are going on at Juil.  I'm liking or following every way I can.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Change the World

So are you ready to change the world?

With everything that has been going on this year, and what continues to go on ....
I am thinking that we really do need to CHANGE the World!

We seem to be letting this country (and perhaps others as well, but they aren't my country) go to hell in a hand basket - brightly colored and wrapped in a bow, but still seems to be on a one way trip straight down.
All because someone decided it was what was good for us (not good for them or many others mind you), but we aren't "capable" of finding what will work for us.

It's time to stop acting like children, or blind mice or whatever you want to call it - its time to stand up and be adults ......

Let's Stop accepting what OTHERS think is good for us and make them SEE what is good for ALL of us!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Nightmares and Happy Places?

Just so you understand ....

Even though my kids are not "little" anymore, doesn't mean this still isn't appropriate.

I may not be able to do as much as I could when they were little


And if you think its just me .........
ask ANY mother out there and I am quite sure you will get the same response.

Trust me when I tell you .... you do NOT want to see that level of crazy!
It is a special level of crazy reserved just for this purpose.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Your Smile

There really isn't much more to say but this

There really is a reason for everything that happens - we may not realize it, understand it or even want to acknowledge that something happened - but it has and we need to learn from it


It doesn't have to change your smile!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Relationship things

So what do you think?
Does this just nail it?

If I could grant you just one wish as it relates to your relationship -
these are the things I would want to grant to you.

I know that these are the things I want in my relationship,

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Jersey Girl

I saw this and had to share for all my "Jersey Girls"

So tell me .... Are you a Jersey Girl?

Yes, I am!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Yes Ma'am its my Birthday

But I think Snoopy says it best!

So Happy Birthday to me ....
 but don't worry if you see me acting like I'm 12 ....
 in my heart I can be!!

And of course I had to add this one from Maxine ...

Tuesday, October 1, 2013



It cannot cripple!
It cannot corrode faith!
It cannot shatter hope!
It cannot eat away peace!
It cannot destroy confidence!
It cannot kill friendships!
It cannot shut out memories!
It cannot silence courage!
It cannot reduce eternal life!
      It cannot quench the spirit!

This is for my girl friend who is once again going through chemo treatments. 

She WILL defeat this horrific disease 
She WILL be victorious

This is for everyone, every man, woman or child who is battling the big C.
There are so many things that it can not do - 
stand tall and proclaim your strength in this fight!

Stand Tall with these brave men, women and children
Lend your support 
Lend your ear, your shoulder, your heart
Let them know that they do not fight alone!