_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: WHAT CANCER CAN NOT DO

Tuesday, October 1, 2013



It cannot cripple!
It cannot corrode faith!
It cannot shatter hope!
It cannot eat away peace!
It cannot destroy confidence!
It cannot kill friendships!
It cannot shut out memories!
It cannot silence courage!
It cannot reduce eternal life!
      It cannot quench the spirit!

This is for my girl friend who is once again going through chemo treatments. 

She WILL defeat this horrific disease 
She WILL be victorious

This is for everyone, every man, woman or child who is battling the big C.
There are so many things that it can not do - 
stand tall and proclaim your strength in this fight!

Stand Tall with these brave men, women and children
Lend your support 
Lend your ear, your shoulder, your heart
Let them know that they do not fight alone!

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