_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Join Our Winning Team!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Join Our Winning Team!

I know I have shared this before, but I wanted to update everyone on what is being offered now when you join our winning team here at Tupperware.  I have to say that I LOVE all the pieces that you can get during the confidence start program for free during your first 13 weeks.  Now is a great time to start with the start of the Fall/Holiday Catalog with all kinds of wonderful things!

Here are the pieces or goodies you can earn each week.

Yes that's right ... if you get to the bottom and have sales of $6,750 (or an average of 15 parties, based on national average) during your first 13 weeks you could get an iPad, iPad mini or an awesome Chef Series Cookware Demo set (yes the induction cooktop is included to show off our great pans!)

You could have your kit for just $30 with sales of $900 in your first 60 days (and trust me it is so easy to make this because any samples you buy are also included in the total)!  Check out all the things that you could be offering to your friends, family and others from the Tupperware Collection of Products that is shown on my Tupperware site.  YOU could have this too!

If you are in the US and are at all interested in joining Tupperware and making some extra cash to do whatever you want or to feed your own Tupperware habit, NOW is the time to do it.

Message me and I will get you set up.  The information needed to get you set up is shown above but it isn't much and you could have your kit and be "off to the races" so to speak with getting the rest of your kit paid for AND have some extra money for the holidays!   If you recall, I was telling you how to have Cash for Christmas Shopping last month, and now you could have that and so much more!

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