Some how we have really enraged the snow Gods or whatever they are cause once again they have dumped on us. This is looking out my front door this morning.
And this is the snow in the protected area of my driveway this morning, AFTER it was plowed out yesterday late afternoon. We ran the snow blower over the areas that the plow can't get to well, because of its closeness to the house and deck, and this was what was left after hubby's first pass. That's over 13" of the white stuff that fell overnight.
I am hoping that it is finally finished - but I'm NOT holding my breath. Right after we finished and came inside to warm up - the sun came out really nicely. That lasted about 5 minutes because then the snow started again WHILE the sun was shining.
They say this is the worst winter, snow wise, that we have had in at least 10 years. I believe that. I really can't remember the last time we got back to back storms, dropping at least 13 inches nor when we have gotten a minimum of 2 good snow storms each month starting in EARLY December.
I am definitely finished ....... UNCLE already!
don't you wish we just had a snow vacumn right now?