_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Let us not forget those who we lost

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Let us not forget those who we lost

Let us keep them alive in our hearts and minds.
So many were lost.  Mothers, Fathers, Sisters and Brothers.  
Aunts and Uncles who have missed out on so many milestones.

So many have had to go forward with their lives without loved ones.

Many who are alive today do not remember this day.
Many who are alive today were not even born on this day.

For those of us who were within the shadow of the city, who to this day miss the sight of those towers, miss friends and family members who were lost this day, we will never forget.

For us, there will never be a day that we will forget this day.

9/11/01 - 9/11/18

God Bless the families of those who were lost.
God Bless the United States of America.
Today and Every Day.

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