_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Who isn't thinking?

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Who isn't thinking?

I have again been thinking that I haven't done a post in a while so when I opened a book to start reading for a review and saw this quote that is attributed to George S Patton

If everyone is thinking alike, 
then somebody isn't thinking

I thought yes this is definitely something to write about.

While I haven't been blogging, I have been checking on friends/acquaintances on Facebook.
Now that could be a real problem, or a big eye opener.

Have you been looking at your social media page or pages and wondering what happened?
I know I have.

I am seeing friends turn on each other.
I've heard of friends - real friends, in "real" life, turn on each other so badly that they will no longer speak or even go to the same functions. 

What has happened to us?
And please don't just say "Trump".  
He is NOT the problem.

Something else is going on.
Is it because we no longer think for ourselves?
Are we puppets?
Are we just "following the crowd"?

When did we become so entitled that WE are the ONLY ones that can have an opinion?  And if someone else has an opinion that is not exactly the same as ours THEY are WRONG.

Can we please stop yelling at each other, stop yelling over top of each other and LISTEN, HEAR and THINK?

Please stop with the entitled mindset.  
Please stop taking single comments from people, and I am talking about Congresspeople, Actors, Actresses, Teachers, or your Friends and Neighbors as Gospel.

THINK about what was said.
RESEARCH about what was said.

Make your OWN opinion about what was said.

Let's stop the circle of "the Squeaky Wheel" gets the attention and gets to make everyone do what THEY WANT.  Somehow that just strikes me as giving in.  Becoming a narrow minded person.  And quite frankly reminds me of how people in some other countries were described when I was in grade school.

We have been given the FREEDOM to THINK for ourselves and to express those thoughts without fear.
STOP giving away that FREEDOM that was given to you by extremely passionate and important people ... VETS.  
Many of whom gave the ultimate, their lives, to give you that FREEDOM.

Honor those who have given us that right and START THINKING for yourself and STOP following the crowd.

1 comment:

  1. I love that!

    I have to say that we have become very selfish, mainly, and have allowed ourselves to only focus on the bad.

    Also, our morals have declined rapidly, self control, compassion and love seem to be non existent. Once again, the "me" factor.

    I believe if we all stepped out of our "comfort zone" and did something nice for someone else i.e.: went and volunteered at a Naval Hospital, visited another country, worked at something that gave us some pride, we would all be better people. There are so many people that are lost souls. We can either cheer up someone who has problems bigger than ours, or try and make the world a better place. (I don't mean rallies or some other form of destructive activity)We would be able to see how BLESSED we are as a country and how this negativity has to end!


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