_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Tupperware ... September Join Us Offer

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Tupperware ... September Join Us Offer

I was blown away when I saw the Say Yes offer for September.

You get some awesome pieces in our "regular" kit but when you add this months offer, well it just becomes a must have.  
The Ultra Pro Lasagna pan is a constant in my house.  Yes I use it to make some lasagna, but I also roast chicken and put my Salisbury Steak in there with LOTS of onions and brown gravy.

And then add the griddle ... wow, wow, wow.
I have the "series 1" griddle and use it often .. like almost every Sunday for fried eggs.
I like that it has just enough of a lip to keep everything inside, without being so tall that it "gets in the way".

If you are thinking about what you get ... lets break it all down for this month.

If you would like to join my team, you can do so just by clicking on the "Join Us" tab on my Tupperware page.

Questions?  Give me a shout.

Yes you can get all this for just $39 down and then another $60 in a few months IF you don't achieve the required $$ in sales, but really it is pretty easy to do.  
OR if you join from my Tupperware page, you pay the $99 up front and get a credit for the $60 that Tupperware gives for achieving your second confident start goal.  

I love that anything you purchase is counted toward your sales goals.
For example, you will get credit for any samples you purchase.  You get credit for anything you purchase for yourself, your family, your neighbor ... even if it is not at a party!  So you see, the more you share, the more you get towards sales credit.

Yes above I said 2nd confident start goal.  There are 13 steps where you can earn all kinds of things from Tupperware .... just by having parties!  Want to know more?  Get with me.  

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