_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Stop ... Don't be Afraid

Friday, December 2, 2016

Stop ... Don't be Afraid

Sometimes we all need a reminder.
This one is one of those for us "constant" doubters.

You know who you are .. 
You doubt that you are "worthy".
You doubt that you should "like" something.
You doubt whether or not you should "do" something.
You doubt whether you could "be" someone.

You doubt because you are afraid of what someone will "think".

Well here is your reminder ....

Now make sure you print this one out 
and put it in a prominent place ...
On your refrigerator with your kids artwork.
On the bathroom mirror so you see it every morning.
By the coffee pot, so you see it when you can "see" in the morning.
In your car so you will see it before you leave for the day.

Anyplace where you will be reminded that it is not what they think or say .. its what you think that is most important

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