_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Join Tupperware today ... the bonuses are AWESOME

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Join Tupperware today ... the bonuses are AWESOME

I just had to share this one with you today and not wait.

When I opened my emails this morning, I had to find a way to do a post as soon as possible, even though I had already done a post today.  

Yes it is that good!

On top of the great pieces in your kit, you will receive a Microwave Pressure Cooker for just $30  BUT if you sign up before November 4th you get it for FREE!!!!!!  Yes I said FREE!

Now to sweeten the deal even more ... when you have 1 standard party ($500 in sales) submitted by November 25th, you get not only the pieces in your kit and the Microwave Pressure Cooker ... you get EVERY modular mate size for just $40!  That is over $300 in Modular Mates for just $40!!

That means in addition to your kit for $99 (with ability to get it for just $39) with about $300 worth of product, you could get another $480 in product for either $40 or $70 (if you wait to join)

Oh and if this isn't enough ... you could order this for yourself or use it to get more orders so you definitely earn the Modular Mate Pieces before the end of the November Selling month!

You can Join my Team right from my website just by clicking Join Us and start on your own AWESOME adventure!

I will be getting these pieces for me too!
If you want them, but don't want to join just yet, you can always jump on over to my Tupperware Site and pick them up for yourself.

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