_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: #GreenThumb Giveaway Hop

Monday, February 15, 2016

#GreenThumb Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the 
2016 Green Thumb Giveaway Hop! 

Please take a second to thank our hostess, 
Dianna from Savings in Seconds

Each participating blogger has a prize that's perfect for spring gardening.
We have been challenged 
to be creative in our prizes 
I can't wait to see what all is offered!

Thanks to our Grand Prize sponsor,
one lucky reader will receive 
the Heirloom Seed Collection 
the 2016 Whole Seed Catalog. 

This prize package is valued at $58.  
Grab your entry to the grand prize giveaway 
at Savings in Seconds

Good luck!

My prize will be a set of
Eco Water Bottles*
Small, Medium, Large
to you can stay hydrated 
while you ready the planting beds
and get those seeds planted

* colors may not be as shown, 
and subject to change

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Once you have entered here,
Be sure to hop around to all the blogs on the linky below!


  1. I plant alot of vegetables including tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, zuchinni

  2. We grow tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers, peppers and multi herbs.

  3. I'll be planting tomatoes (lots of varieties), cucumbers, kale, and squash.

  4. I try to play vegetables but I have not had much luck. I do not have a green thumb

  5. We grow a lot of different vegetables in our garden. We doe a full bed of green beans and a full bed of peas each year for canning and freezing. I like to grow different herbs in planters.

  6. we plant beans, carrots, peas, cucumbers, tomatoes & squash

    tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

  7. I only plant basil and mint now. But I'd like to plant more.

  8. I plant heirloom tomatoes in containers. I love watching them grow, tending to them and then harvesting.

  9. I usually plant tomatoes and squash, sometimes herbs.

  10. Tomatoes, Corn, and beans are usually what we plant

  11. So far I only have flower beds, but I'm hoping this summer to finally have a vegetable garden. I want so many things! Especially tomatoes, peppers and cilantro.

  12. I usually just go to Lowes and by some perinanals flowers. thankyou, ken pohl19@comcast.net

  13. I have been doing container gardening with tomatoes and peppers but I would like to do more this year.

  14. I plant tomatoes, peppers, lettuce and herbs in containers. This year I might try a few more things like beans.

  15. I have a lot of strawberries planted.

  16. I have a lot of strawberries planted.

  17. I plants lots of perennial flowers. The herbs are my faves; like lavender, hyssop, and bee balm. We also do a vegetable garden every year.

  18. I like to grow my own vegetables and herbs.

  19. My husband likes to grow all different kinds of hot peppers and I like to look through the catalogs for the new flowers of the year and order them.
    Thanks for the chance.

  20. I usually plant just about all vegetable. HOwever, this year we are renting and I am container gardening. Therefore I have herbs/spices, potatoes, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots and a few others.

  21. I like to plant tomatoes, onions, cilantro and jalapenos in our garden, perfect for homemade salsa.

  22. I typically plant zucchini, green beans, onions, tomatoes, and lettuce! Some years we change it up and grow potatoes or garlic.

  23. We have a great garden with tomatoes, squash, peppers, onions, corn, potatoes, you name it.

  24. We have a large garden and plant all sorts of veggies. We do all heirloom or Organic seeds, and some of our favorites are tomatoes, corn, potatoes, and peas. I can eat my weight in peas. Those barely make it into the house. We do a lot of canning as well, so a big productive garden is really important to us.

  25. We plant tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, onions, peas and pumpkins.

  26. I plant lots of herbs and flowers. I want to do more vegetables this year! :)

  27. I grow cucumbers and watermelon. I want to grow more but my space is limited.

  28. I plant heirloom tomatoes, carrots, sweet peppers plus other veggies. I also plant a lot of sunflowers.

  29. It varies a little from year to year depending on what catches my eye. I have
    tomatoes, potatoes, patty pan squash, zucchini, peas, garlic, onions, shallots, passion fruit, hops, limes and lemons (indoors), tulips, daffodils, hardy hibiscus, rhododendrons, crocuses, peruvian daffodils, taro, etc.

  30. I plant everything I can get my hands on. Vegatables, annuals, perennials, I love them all. And we have a variety of potted plants on the patio.

  31. I plant flowers, veggies and herbs in our garden.

  32. Tomato's always and flowers other veggies too

  33. I plant tomatoes, beans, okra and squash

  34. Just planted onions today which is new. We usually do cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, zucchini, squash and herbs.

  35. We plant tulips and daffodils in our flower planters.

  36. I have very limited space so I only grow herbs at the moment!! I love my fresh mint and fresh basil!!

  37. So far we have peas and cabbage seedlings started

  38. We plant tomatoes and usually have 3 crops of them. We live in the south, so they grow with ease. (jozywails@gmail.com)

  39. I'm going to try to get a garden going for the first time this year, so I'm going with tomatoes, potatoes and peppers.

  40. this is my first year and we rent so im gonna do a container garden of tomatoes and strawberries and herbs

  41. I have ten raised garden boxes. This year, so far, I've planted asparagus, onions, lettuce, and spinach, plus I have strawberry plants that I planted last year. The other five veggies I'll grow are still up for debate.

  42. You name it and I plant it. Seriously, I have a huge garden. Heirlooms too. Veggies, fruit, herbs and citrus trees. Love my garden

  43. You name it and I plant it. Seriously, I have a huge garden. Heirlooms too. Veggies, fruit, herbs and citrus trees. Love my garden

  44. We love to do flowers and bell peppers.

  45. I have done flowers in the past, this will be my first year trying some veggies.

  46. We plant tomatoes, onions, kalarabi, green beans, cantaloupe, watermelon, corn, green peppers, zucchini & cucumbers and I think that is it..

  47. We grow lots of things, mainly veggies.

  48. Right now all I have is a bamboo plant and the start of a lemon tree.

  49. I love planting tomatoes and squash! I would love to try some different veggies this year!

  50. We love growing peppers, cherry tomatoes, and spices!

  51. I don't grow anything - we can't even get grass to grow

  52. I would do herbs or flowers depending on my mood.

  53. Salsa ingredients: peppers, onions, tomatoes, etc.

  54. About 10 different types of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, radishes, cucumbers, strawberries, herbs, green beans, yellow waxed beans, and beets. Thanks!

  55. I enjoy growing tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs and of course flowers. Tomatoes are so expensive now and not nearly as good as the hot house tomatoes you find in the grocery stores. Thank you for the chance to win.

  56. I love to plant herbs that I frequently use like basil and thyme.

  57. I grow all sorts of vegetables and also flowers. I love the best of both worlds!

  58. I usually plant tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers.

  59. I plant annuals, perennials, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

  60. In my flower baskets, I use a variety of flowering plants, and non flowering plants with different leaves for decoration. I always include plants that vine so they will trail out. In my garden, I plant tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, pumpkins, and sunflowers.

  61. This year- I want to plant lots of strawberries and tomatoes. I would grow corn if I lived somewhere else.

  62. I like to plant lots of different types of veggies. Tomatoes, green beans, peas, carrots, lettuce, among others. :)

  63. I plant sunflowers, blueberry bushes, bell peppers, tomatoes and more.

  64. We like to grow tomatoes.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  65. I plant alot of green beans and squash plus some tomatoes and sometimes melons and then I add whatever strikes my fancy just to see if 1) my family will eat it and 2) it will grow here, with me tending it :). I hope to start a Strawberry bed and a small Herb garden soon.

  66. We plant herbs, veggies and fruits and have a nice selection and green house but I would love to expand.

  67. This year I am focused on herbs and vegetables. Less on flowers.

  68. I plant tomatoes.

  69. Tomatoes cukes, peppers herbs like basil, parsley dill and flowers

  70. I have a large garden and I try to plant a variety last year I had tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, eggplant, sweet potatoes, radishes, corn and potatoes

  71. i planted tomatoes ,.green peppers squash watermelon

  72. We grow a little bit of everything here. lol We have a 2 veggie gardens, fruit trees, 2 flower gardens, houseplants and working on landscaping around the koi pond. I'm thinking about adding winter squash and lettuce to the veggie garden this year!

  73. My favorite thing to grow is tomatoes! Tons of 'em!

  74. We live in the desert so we focus on succulents.

  75. We like sweet peppers and strawberries.

  76. I don't have a lot of space, but I like to try to grow kitchen herbs.

  77. I plant flowers in the front and vegetables and herbs out back.

  78. We plant tomatos, green beans and zucchini

  79. We have a planter with some herbs that we use to cook with when they are grown.

  80. tomatoes, peppers, onions, floweras, stawberries. eggplant, radish. I plant everything I can!

  81. I would plant tomatoes because I love the fresh taste of garden tomatoes, and I plant radishes because I want something to grow quickly

  82. Plans for this year's garden include beets, carrots, lettuce, arugula, radishes, kale, potatoes, endive, parsnips, rhubarb, Swiss chard, beans, corn, melon, okra, cucumbers, peanuts, tomatoes, and peppers.

  83. I have never had a garden of my own, but I grew up around my nannas -she had a large one, all my life until she passed away. I would love to grow veggies and fruit. have my kids help and learn where their food comes from.

  84. we plant a lot of tomatoes, peppers and lettuce. We also have planted loofas which were really kind of awesome to watch grow.

  85. I have always grown tomatoes but this year I am going to plant a herb garden right outside the kitchen door.

  86. I always plant a variety of tomatoes, some years I plant other things as well.

  87. I plant many kinds of vegetables, but this year I also plan to plant petunias, cockscomb, hollyhocks, and lemon balm.

  88. Marnie G (Derrick Todd)February 28, 2016 at 9:53 PM

    This is the first year we will be attempting a garden. I'm very excited to plant tomato plants, cucumbers, green peppers, carrots, radishes, lettuce and herbs.

  89. I plant cucumbers, tomatoes and squash. I also like to plant herbs.

  90. I love to plant tomatoes and basil ,green onions and other herbs to use in my cooking.

  91. I don't plant anything,but my in-law loves to plant flowers.She has a beautiful garden

  92. We plant tomatoes, cucumbers, kale, peppers, onions, green beans, squash, pumpkins and zucchini.

  93. I plant lots! Tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, beans, snap peas, and loads of flowers

  94. I want to plant hot peppers and cucumbers!


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