_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Wake up and be free

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Wake up and be free

I have one wish for today.

That wish is that you will wake up and feel free.

I think this is just so important.
You can't do what you want, what you need to do to be YOU if you are constantly trying to impress someone.

Why do you want to impress anyone?
What will it give you?
Will it make you happy?
But think before you answer ...
Will it make you happy to be something you are not?
Will it make you happy to do something that doesn't feel right?

If you are honest with yourself ... you will stop trying to impress others and just be YOU.

Stop and be FREE

Just saw this on David Wolfe's FB page .. stop by and tell him if you agree.

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