_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: #GotMeTipsy Favorite Child Mug

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

#GotMeTipsy Favorite Child Mug

I received this product for free to facilitate my review, in exchange for my honest opinion. For more information regarding product review, please refer to my media kit

I don't know about your family, but I know we are a family of kidders and teasers.  This mug is perfect for us.  

From early on my sister and brothers and I would always tease each other about something.  Who was the "angel" of the family.  Who was the "perfect" child.  And of course, who was mom or dad's favorite.  And of course that would be me, but to this day that is still being "debated".  But I am sure that you know I am correct .. it is me.

I can't wait for Christmas to come so that I can bring this out on Christmas morning and "share my proof" via I'm Your Favorite Child Funny Glass Coffee Mug.  I can just see my brother John rolling on the floor laughing.  Oh yes it will definitely be fun, especially since sarcasm reigns in my family!

This is the perfect size for your morning coffee ... 13 ounces.  It is perfect for the mug setting on my Keurig machine, leaving just enough room for creamer.  
It's also dishwasher safe!  Many times you find cute mugs and they have to be hand washed because the print will wash off.  Not so with this one.  The bright white printing will last they say, even washing in the dishwasher.  So far I have had no problems, it still looks perfect.

Oh and with the printing on both sides of the mug, it can be seen no matter which hand you use to hold your mug!  So righties and lefties will both be able to flaunt their knowledge of who is the favorite child.

I may just have to pick up a few more of these to share with my siblings this Christmas so that we can all have a chuckle drinking our morning (or any time) cup of java complements of .....

Product was received from Modern Goods as part of the Tomoso.com review program in exchange for my honest opinion. Please read more on our review policy in our Media Kit

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