_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Memphis Style Dry Rub

Monday, June 29, 2015

Memphis Style Dry Rub

It is BBQ season and I'm always looking forward to trying new recipes.  Especially ones that I get to make everything from scratch instead of buying pre-made.

Now there is nothing wrong with pre-made, I have made all kinds of meals with pre-made/pre-packaged items as part of the ingredients. Heck I think I was Sandra Lee before Sandra Lee was Sandra Lee. Now I really hope you know who Sandra Lee is or I will be really disappointed.

I am thinking this would be fabulous on some ribs (which I may be making soon for sure) out on the grill, but also on chicken.  I am betting there really isn't much you couldn't use this on.  Except for maybe fish since I think this would be a little too much for a delicate fish.

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