_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Just be Incredible

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Just be Incredible

This one just fits in with some of the things that I've "discovered" about myself since I joined Tupperware.  
No this isn't a plug for my Tupperware business, although it is a wonderful business to be in with awesome products and people. 

It is something that just mirrors the teachings/information that has come from our USA/Canada president.

This is just how we feel.

Sometimes I think that people will not reach their full potential, will be looking back on their life and think I should have, I would have ... if only.  

Stop worrying about what others think.  
Stop worrying about what others will judge as "the" thing to do.

Do what you love.
And everything else will fall into place

Because you ARE possible,
You ARE incredible!

Thank you Stein Ove Fenne,
President USA/Canada, Tupperware Brands 

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