_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Happy Father's Day 2015

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day 2015

I just wanted to stop and wish my readers a very 

Dad's are special.
Most of the time, they aren't "expected" to be the ones that nourish and comfort.  They are the ones that are "supposed" to bring in the money so Mom can do all those things.
But in reality, this is what a dad is.

My dad was one of the "good guys".  He was the breadwinner and provider of all those things we wanted to do.   He was always the one that made me want to do, to be better. He always allowed me to spread my wings knowing that he would be there if I failed.  He was and is my "safety net".

For all the dads out there ... Happy Father's Day.
For all the moms, who are holding down two "jobs" ... Happy Father's Day to you too.

And to everyone else, I'm  

Now go call your dad and wish him the same.

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