_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Happy 81st Birthday Dad

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy 81st Birthday Dad

Today is the birthday of someone who is very special to me. 
 It's my daddy's birthday.  
His 81st birthday!  

That's right I said 81st ........ just think of all the wonderful (and not so wonderful) things he has seen in his lifetime.  Here are just a few things I can think of off the top of my head.

He looks pretty darned good for 81 don't you think?  I do. 
 Mom's not bad looking either (her birthday is coming up soon)

The Polaroid camera was invented

Ray Kroc opened the first McDonald's
Disneyland was opened in California
Alan Shepard became first man in space, John Glenn orbited Space, and Neil Armstrong walked on the moon

Roosevelt was elected President for 4 terms
Kennedy became the first Catholic President
Ronald Regan (yes an actor) became President
Obama became the first Black President

Some things he has seen in his lifetime are things that we take for granted.
He use to get his entertainment from a radio that was in the living room.
And then was one of the "special" kids who had a TV IN the house.
The microwave oven (where would we be without one?)
DVD and Blu-Ray Players

Some amazing things have happened in this lifetime for my Dad   What a wonderful list of things I can come up with.

Oh and lots and lots and lots of candles on a birthday cake!

Happy Birthday Dad!  
Sure wish were were there to celebrate with you.


  1. Great blog! Returning the follow on G+ and gfc from comment you left on Call Me PMc.

  2. Yes, He does look great for being in his 80's now. We talk about all the changes we have seen with our daughter who is in her 20's. I can't imagine some that my mom has seen.


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