_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Meet my friend Billie

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Meet my friend Billie

While I am checking out (read this as verifying) the entries in my latest giveaway for a Celebrating Home Bean Pot, I'd like for you to check out my friend's blog page and new facebook page.

Billie is a Celebrating Home Consultant and a Tupperware Representative.

In fact she has gotten me to be a Tupperware Representative too.  I love me some Tupperware!  So if you are looking for some Tupperware to replace that cheap stuff that's falling apart in your cabinet you can contact me or Billie, they are having some AWESOME sales right now.

If you could show Billie some bloggy love on her homemadebybillie  blog and/or on her homemadebybillie Facebook Page I would appreciate it.  I kept telling her she should be doing this - but well it took a little bit of a gentle "nudge" (ok a big ole push) and I want her to know that it is a great place to post her recipes and meet some great people.

When you like or follow her pages - tell her that Kat sent you over.


Ok off to start checking entries...... See you soon.

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