_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Do it Anyway ........

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Do it Anyway ........

I don't know what your beliefs are (I try not to do too much with religion or politics here) but I think everyone can learn a lot from these simple statements from Mother Teresa

We are the commander of our own "ship" on this journey we call life.  We don't have to let anyone else determine how we go through life.  We can just Do it Anyway.   I think this little lady named Mother Teresa packed so much into her life and the lives of others.  

If we keep an open mind and heart and feel what she had to say ....... I think the world would be in much better shape.

I think I will be looking at this more often (maybe print it out and frame it) so that I can see it every day to be reminded to just "do it anyway".

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