_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Are you prepared for "lights out" this year?

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Are you prepared for "lights out" this year?

Check this one out the lights out emergency pack from Zaycon Foods.

I'm thinking that this could be an AWESOME addition to everyone's home for those of us that are in "danger" zones for all kinds of events that could make a few days of  food/water/supplies a necessity.

I am going to be checking these out for sure (no more surprises like last year for me).  We have already had a few "flickers" of what's to come as the storms come rolling through.  I really don't think I can be without power for days like last year - but perhaps with this emergency pack - I could be 1) a little better prepared and 2) be a little better able to cope with those "lights out" days and nights.

If you do like these, do me a favor and tell them that Kat Meller told you about them.


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