_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Giveaway Bummer

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Giveaway Bummer

Well it finally happened.

I have been VERY blessed in 2011 to have won a number of giveaways (and I try to give back with my own giveaways as often as I can) so I guess I should have expected this but I do have to say I am a bit disappointed.

Since I am sure that all giveaways and all companies have their own policy/time table for sending out the product that was won, I don't really know how long to be waiting/hoping that a box will arrive outside my door.  But I do think that one of my prizes is definitely a bust.

You see, I won a giveaway that I entered in Early December.  I was really excited because it was a product that I KNEW I could get my family to try/eat.  I returned the email to the blogger who was running the giveaway the same day it was received.   Then 3 days later I get an email from another blogger that I won her giveaway - which was from the same company as the first one!

Now I was really excited about that too - I mean double the pleasure / double the fun!  I was very quick in answering that email as well - again within the same day as it was sent.

About 2 weeks after these emails back and forth I get a box (big box) delivered outside my back door.  I was really curious about what was in the box - since to be honest it was holiday delivery time and I was getting boxes a few days a week.   And I didn't recognize the "shipper" name.

I was thrilled when I opened the box and started removing things from the peanut filled inside.  Great variety of things were coming out of my box - but no idea which giveaway it was from.  There was nothing in the box to identify who's giveaway they were sending it for.

We are now into the new year - a month after the last email was sent/received/answered and no second box from this company.   And because the first box didn't give me any clue as to which giveaway it was from ....... its not like I can go back to the blogger who was running the giveaway and ask them to check on it for me.

I know I should be thankful I won and received 1 of the prizes.  And I am - really I am feeling very blessed.  But it would have been so awesome to have it arrive .... I mean I could have shared it with my son (and sister and her family) if it had arrived.

Oh well, I will take it off the list of things that I won in 2011 so I have 1 less thing to add to my income for 2011 - Hopefully I won't have a problem with this in years to come.

Has this happened to you?
How did you handle it?

I really must have a psychic gene or something.  This is the second time in less than a month that I have started a post or commented on something that then becomes "rectified" almost immediately  just because I mentioned it.   I've been trying to get some things put together, moved or covered outside just in case we get some of the "white stuff" (please NO please NO) and what do I get?  I get a nice delivery of my "missing" box.  Now I can put my winning back on the list (but this is the first for 2012) and I can also share with my son and sister if either one of them were to visit again in the near future.

I really have to say that I was probably underestimating the company - if appears they waited until AFTER the holidays to ship the box so it didn't get caught up in the shipping fiasco that the holidays always bring.


  1. I'm glad you received your second box after all!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a new follower here too. :)

  2. good karma girl! Now go and share the booty

  3. I keep trying Lynette. I keep trying. I think that is part of the reason I'm so addicted to the giveaways - I want to be able to make at least 1 person happy with each one.

    You know trying to pass on good karma one person at a time!


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