_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: I'm the Hot Blog of the Week!!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

I'm the Hot Blog of the Week!!!

Well I just found out that I am being honored as the Hot Blog of the Week as part of  Follow us Monday Morning over at Frugality is Free and Being Frugal and Making it Work!

I am pretty EXCITED about this one and VERY SURPRISED. 

So take a look around, check out some of the things I have been writing about and let me know what you think.

Make sure you enter my current giveaway for MyMemories Digital Software

Then come on back tomorrow for another giveaway that I will host in honor of this status.  Yes I am very excited :)


  1. Thanks for following me @Doorkeeper, Kat. I'm returning the follow! I enjoyed checking out your blog and profile. Blessings!


Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts, I LOVE when readers comment on my posts, it lets me know what you are really interested in. I appreciate your time.