_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: National Coffee Day

Thursday, September 29, 2011

National Coffee Day

Did you know that we have our own special day?  No not your birthday, although that is a special day ............ Today is National Coffee Day!

Today is the day that all of us who have coffee running through our veins (or so it seems) to get things done day in and day out have our own special day - and TODAY is it.

Welcome to National Coffee Day!

There are many chains that are giving out free coffee or discounted coffee today as a celebration.  I found a list at National Coffee Day, but I bet you could find even more - maybe even your local coffee stop is celebrating.

If you want to learn more about National Coffee Day, its history as well as other freebies available make sure you check out National Coffee Day 2011 at Squidoo.com. 

Now you will have to excuse me because ...............

I hear my name being called.

Happy Coffee Day!

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