_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: The Fresh Diet Wants YOU

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Fresh Diet Wants YOU

That's right - The Fresh Diet wants YOU to check out their facebook page and enter for a chance to win a full YEAR of their meals.  Talk about a fantastic prize!  If you have been following my blog, you have seen some of the great meals I have experienced.  If not (or if you have forgotten) check out my posts here.  You need to go through these posts as I have discussed the good, the bad, and the ugly from my stand point.  You may or may not agree - your kitchen could be different from mine .... although they are suppose to be the same or as close as possible. 

To win you have to follow a few EASY steps.

you need to have a facebook account ..... but I would assume most of you already do.  If not, you can get one for free.

you need to check out their facebook page

you need to "like" them (well you don't have to but I thnk it would be a very good idea)

See I told you this was a super easy contest.

And here comes the "difficult" part ............  I'm posting straight from their facebook post regarding this contest -

Unleash your inner Oracle!

We know our TFD facebook fans have many talents – We are putting your fortune telling skills to the test! Best clairvoyant will receive ONE YEAR of free TFD! You will have 30 days (which was Monday 8/15/11) to guess the DATE our page will reach 100 000 fans. ONE guess per person and you must include your zip code with your entry.

Send entries to competitions@thefreshdiet.com and on the day we reach 100 000 fans, we will announce our winner!

Now you also have to be in their delivery area - but the have been expanding so much it is very possible that you are already in their delivery area.  Check it out.  I know I have my inner Oracle working on this so that I too will have a chance to win One Year FREE ....... oh how that does sound sooooo good.

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