_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Free E-book Cookbooks

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Free E-book Cookbooks

If you are like me you LOVE cookbooks.  I probably have 2 big boxes of cookbooks IN ADDITION TO the ones I have on the top shelf of my kitchen rack.  I do "rotate" the books from time to time so its not the same ones all the time.    BUT I always look at more!

I admit it is somewhat of an addiction ........ but in my defense I do use them for the recipes they have but usually I will look through the book and get "ideas" of what I would like to make.  I admit I usually make the recipe as it is written at least once before I start to personalize it ........

If you would like I have included links to  Mr Food's FREE eCookbooks and Mr Food's FREE Holiday eCookbooks for your browsing pleasure - or should I say to start your culinary discovery?

I have already downloaded mine ... maybe we can experiment together.  What do you say?  I would love to hear what you like in these and I can share what I like or how I changed / updated them as well.

Thanks to Just Married with coupons for the heads up on these great links.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog through a comment you left of TJ's Test Kitchen.

    I too love cookbooks and even though I vowed to stop buying any more I can't seem to help myself!

    Perhaps I need support group! :)

    Thanks for the links I am off to check them out.


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