_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Organizational Management

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Organizational Management

I found the link for this as I was wandering around some of the facebook and blog pages that I follow.  When I found this on Copykat Recipes, I just knew it needed to be added here, just in case you don't follow her too.

I think I may even print it out and put it ON my pantry door as a refresher and keep one in my coupon basket, so it will be a reminder when I am getting ready to go shopping.

80 essential ingredients for a well stocked kitchen
Some of these are "common sense" but here's another one I found on Organizational Management's Blog, that gives you a great list for review:  23 tips for getting your fridge and freezer organized

See in 2011 you CAN be organized and ready to tackle the world (ok maybe just YOUR world).  It's only the beginning of February - its not too late to start.  Jump on the train and get your butt moving and before you know it you WILL be Organized and on top of your game.

I'm checking it out NOW so that this weekend I can be all ready to get my year moving in the right direction.  You joining me?

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