_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: The Fresh Diet Tuesday Jan 18th edition

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Fresh Diet Tuesday Jan 18th edition

Even with all the things that have been going on already this year, the one thing I can count on is a great meal delivery from The Fresh Diet.  Now they have been growing by leaps and bounds and are experiencing some "growing pains" - massive explosion in their exposure has lead to some phone issues, some internet server issues, the requirement for massive staff increases - but they are handling this wonderfully well.  Not that it has been easy, but they are doing very well, as this has all happened in less than a year!

My breakfast this morning was a Creamy Mushroom Scrambled Eggs with Nine Grain Toast.  Please note my new plates :)  I thought you all would be tired of looking at my bland white ones ... so I picked up a few colorful ones.  When I first saw my breakfast I was very skeptical, but I put the toast in the toaster oven on warm and put my eggs in the microwave at 80% power for 1 minute (I find this works well with my microwave for most meals).  I have to say I was really pleasantly surprised at how much I liked this entree.  I am still in the try new things mode, so that was why this one was picked.  It really was creamy without a heavy cream or mushroom taste.  It was a mellow flavor that went well with the eggs.  I will be keeping this one as an egg option, so you will be seeing this one again I'm sure.

Lunch was Grilled Wild Mahi Mahi on Whole Wheat Ciabatta Bread with Lettuce, Tomato and Thousand Island Dressing.  I've had this before, and I LOVE the Ciabatta bread so I thought this one was a winner too.  The Thousand Island Dressing had a bit of a zing that I don't remember from before - but not so much that you didn't want to use it, even if you don't like "spicy" things.  I really love the bread maker at The Fresh Diet.  Just saying ....

My snack today was Sugar Free Double Layer Chocoholic Cake.  I know a sweet in the middle of the afternoon?  Yes because I wanted it ...... yes I was "warned" that I was having "excessive" carbs in my meals today - but I decided that I was worth it and got it anyway.  Was really so good and definitely did NOT taste sugar free.  This is an "older" picture because I can't find the picture I took of this one (maybe I "devoured" before snapping)

Dinner was a Flounder Fillet with Mango BBQ Sauce with Spanish Style Brown Rice and Haricot Vert.  I think with the help of The Fresh Diet, I have learned to like fish.  I really never picked fish meals before The Fresh Diet - oh shellfish yes, fish fillets no.  Now I do pick fish many days when it is offered (most days)  and have found very few I don't like.  If nothing else this is a great benefit from eating The Fresh Diet Way.

Dessert was Honey Almond Cheesecake.  See I got my cheesecake too ........ a perfect diet.  They help you eat well AND cheesecake too.  I don't think I could ask or say for much more than that.

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