_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: How would you like 31 days of The Fresh Diet?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How would you like 31 days of The Fresh Diet?

I know I would love to have another 31 days of the Fresh Diet delivered to my door each morning.  I love seeing my little buddy sitting at my kitchen door waiting for me.  Well I know there is another giveaway that could net you 31 days free!

Here's the not so secret secret .......... you need to get over to Listen to Lena.  She is a Canadian blogger who is blogging about her 31 day journey of The Fresh Diet meals.  In honor of this journey, The Fresh Diet has offered to give one of her readers their own 31 days of meals.

Check out her first day's post, where you will get to see just how excited she is to start tasting and sharing at
Listen To Lena - day 1 and then go enter for your own 31 days of The Fresh Diet at lena loves fresh diet.  I know I am going to enter again and get Jenn to do it too (have to see how she does that without a blog but I KNOW it can be done)

Well hurry ---- I know you like how I show my meals, now you can see how much someone else shows and loves their meals as well.

And don't forget to get over to The Fresh Diet Facebook Page - they are always having contests and random giveaways for their friends.  I know I've told you this before, but remember YOU could score 3 free days or a week or a month of free meals just by being a regular at their page. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for linking the giveaway! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!


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