_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: CSN Giveaway Results.

Monday, November 1, 2010

CSN Giveaway Results.

We have a winner for the CSN Gift Certificate Giveaway.
The winner is ...... number 81 who was  ElennaLouise, who said...
I posted this on my blog http://elennalouise.blogspot.com/2010/07/csn-contests.html

True Random Number Generator 81 Powered by RANDOM.ORG

I have sent an email to Elenna giving her the good news.  Once she contacts me, I will make sure she gets her gift certificate so that she can make purchase - which could be the Whitehall Products Garden 30" Cat Weathervane that she said that she loved - or it could be anything else if she changed her mind ... its her choice.

Congratulations Elenna!  You have 48 hours to get back to me.  If I don't hear from Elenna by Wednesday night - I will have to draw another winner .... I sure hope that doesn't happen.

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