_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: The Fresh Diet - Day 2

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Fresh Diet - Day 2

This morning I was up before 5AM for some reason unknown to man, but perhaps it had to do with the fact that it was cold and rainy and I just felt it so much more this morning.  I was half tempted to turn up the heat - but its too early to be doing that, or pull the covers over my head and stay in bed till spring comes again, but no that would not be "adult" of me. 

When I came stumbling down the stairs, I looked out the kitchen door and there was my buddy - my green bag.  There was a ray of sunshine sitting on the floor waiting for me.  I brought him into the kitchen and then made the coffee.  I know I should be using the auto start ..... but that means you have to think about it the night before or keep fixing the clock when the electric goes out.  Since we have been having "electric flashes" (and I won't go into what is happening around here with the electric - at least not for now), my coffeemaker's clock is always blinking.  Setting the one clock is enough, I don't need to be doing the auto clock too.

Breakfast was Fresh Fruit Salad with Pears, Red Grapes, Grapefruit, Pineapple and Banana with Passion Fruit Yogurt and of course a nice big mug of coffee.  Aside from the fact that we all know what happens to bananas when they are cut and "sit around", this even looked good in the container.  As I was plating, I peeled the approx 1/2 of banana and trimmed off the ends were it was brown.  I have been very disappointed with the fruit I have bought this year, either its "flat" tasting or "blah" or even worse yet "sour", but this salad was probably the best I've had all year.  The pineapple had a little different/interesting taste (can't really put my finger on it though) but good.  The yogurt was very smooth and creamy and very enjoyable.  I've never had Passion Fruit Yogurt before - I would definitely have it again.

Lunch was a Crab Salad Sandwich on Nine Grain Bread with Celery, Tomato & Lettuce and a large glass of Acai flavored seltzer.  The only thing I did with this before plating and eating was cut it in half.  Very very tasty!  I absolutely LOVED the Nine Grain Bread, it was sweet and nutty and savory all at the same time.  I think the crab salad could have used a little more celery to add a bit more crunch without adding calories, but all in all I would definitely have this again.

I spent about 3 hours at the doctors with my daughter so when we got home, I was starving and could not wait to break out my Hors D'Oeurve for the day.  It was suppose to be Buffalo Style Chicken Strips with Roasted Pearl Onion, but I didn't taste anything remotely like "buffalo style".  If there was to be a "sauce", there wasn't any in my package.  That being said - it was still very tender.  The breading was light, so you didn't have a mouth full of breading and no chicken as sometimes you can find.  You could taste the chicken, feel it in your mouth unlike some other breaded chicken strips.  The Roasted Onions were actually sweet, which was a very interesting combination to eat.  Since I was so hungry I didn't take the time to really make my plate look pretty - I should have taken a little more time, but well when you're hungry you just don't care about "pretty".

Dinner tonight was Fillet of Tilapia with Provencal Sauce with Fall Vegetable Saute and Roasted Green Asparagus, that really looked good.  I guess I like my food hot or hotter than most people because I find that dinner NEEDS to be microwaved longer than they suggest.  I have a relatively new and powerful microwave (1100 whatever its called) but again the protein (this time fish) was "cool" in the middle instead of hot when I set it for 45 seconds.  That being said, it only took another 30 seconds to make it just fine, IMO.  I do find that fish is very difficult to have "pre-prepared", but this was really very good.  No breading to "hide" the taste, that you sometimes find in these types of meals, just fish.  No fishy taste, no bones (and I always find a bone when I have fish) and a very generous portion.  The fall veggies contained a veggie I'm not sure of - but I did enjoy eating it.  There were carrots and broccoli but I'm not sure what the "yellow" was - yellow carrots?  The asparagus spears were those really thin kind (I think they call it pencil thin) that I really liked but are usually extremely expensive.
And then once again, you get dessert.  Today I chose Blueberry Cheese Cake.  As you can see it looks like it had a little bit of an "accident" while in the container .... so it isn't the prettiest of pieces but trust me when I tell you it did not affect the taste one iota!  Although we all know that chocolate IS required at least once a day (it must be a rule someplace - I know I read it someplace - maybe it was the woman's handbook) I think I liked this one better than yesterday's white chocolate cappuccino cheese cake.  It had a smoother mouth feel.  But it may have been sitting out longer than yesterdays so it had been able to warm a little more.  You know how they tell you to let premium ice cream sit out before eating to get the full flavor?

I really am enjoying picking my own entrees from the daily list, picking my sides for dinner (notice both days I had veggies by my choice since they did have "carbs/starches" but I opted for veggies) and then still being able to have dessert.  This has to be one of the best, if not the best, diets going.  I was down 1.4 lbs this morning and you saw what I had for meals yesterday didn't you?  If not you really should go check it out Day 1.
I hope you can really see what these meals look like because I am using my cell phone camera.  My "regular" camera died (ok it was just the batteries, but I haven't been able to replace them yet) so I am using the next best thing so that you can see and not just read about what I am enjoying every day.


  1. I love seeing these meals. They look awesome! I'm so happy that you have enjoyed these meals so far. I can't wait to see what the next one brings.

    Hugs & love,

  2. looks like some tasty eats over at your house! :) YUM!

  3. Hi Kat, Love your post. Wonderful photos. I've been on The Fresh Diet for 8 months. Lost all the weight I wanted to lose in a few months and continued for maintenance and health.
    I have a suggestion for you, if you like. To heat up my protein I wrap it in wax paper and heat it in the microwave for 25 seconds & check it, to see if it needs a few more seconds. The wax paper keeps the protein moist and hot throughout. I heat up the remainder of the dinner in the plastic container, it came in. I do the same for burgers. Put the roll in the toaster and wrap the burger in wax paper for the micro. Sandwiches and wraps I place on dry hot griddle until golden and toasty. Don't forget 2 qts of water Kat, you lose weight faster that way and more healthy for your body. Good luck to you.

  4. Thanks Carol, I will have to try that trick/tip. I have been afraid to dry out the protein since it's already cooked. So far so good - but I will try this tip tonight.

    I am LOVING this. I do need to up my water - but I do get 1 qt of pure water and then I have been adding green tea or seltzer with some meals.

    My two days have made my scale very happy so far, but I'm not going to "total" my losses until I finish my week - just so I don't jinx myself.

  5. Kat, Just try to weigh yourself ONLY once a week at the same time of day. For example first thing in the morning, every monday. You will be happier for it, to see the surprise you get looking at that scale. This way it's a steady downhill.


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