_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: VitaMix

Thursday, May 27, 2010


I purchased a VitaMix 5200 last week at Costco's during their in-store demo week. I had been debating about getting one of these babies for awhile now, but to be honest, the price scared me - I just didn't want to spend that much money on something I might not really use - I mean its a blender to goodness sakes - or that was my thinking anyway.

Even after watching them in the store (saw them originally on Monday) I still was in a quandary but still it had peaked my "desire" even more. It just so happened that I had also picked up the Consumer Reports Quick & Easy Shopping Guide - "Shop Smart" and found that they had tested this very blender. One of the others they tested was the Montel Williams Living Well Healthmaster - again one of those that I thought might be an alternative (and its about 1/2 the price).

After reading this article, I was still doing that internal battle - should I or shouldn't I? Well on Friday morning I decided that IF they were still there doing the demo (so I got the cheaper price) then I would get it. Well ...... I got it!

When I went back, one of the questions I asked was whether it could go in the dishwasher (minus the motor mind you) and the demo guy told me it could BUT they didn't recommend it because it would eventually dull the blender container because of the harshness of the detergent. He also told me that you really don't need to use the dishwasher anyway - even if you make sticky stuff like peanut butter ....... its almost self cleaning!

This is one of the BEST purchases I have made this year. I'm still going through the recipe book that comes with it - but I have made my own smoothies by basically throwing everything in (whole fruits - peels included, but coring apples and pears) , blend for less than a minute or two and pour. This is so darned good. They even have recipes for soups and sauces you can make in seconds and "cook" in the machine in minutes, as well as ICE CREAM and SORBET! I can't wait to try these.

And cleanup - water and a drop of dish detergent - blend and rinse....... no reason for anything else. I think even my daughter might be able to handle this one without leaving it for mom.

Yes it is expensive, in comparison to some of the other "blenders" out there, but I want to tell you the time you save, the things you can make and enjoy ...... is SOOOOO worth it. Heck it even comes with a 7 Year warranty! What comes with a warranty that lasts that long without paying extra? Guess you could say they stand behind their product.

I am so very happy I was able to pick one of these guys up. If you can - you really need to check this out - I'm giving this a fantastic rating. What's the highest rating ? 5 stars? 5 diamonds? It gets all of that and more.

If you want to check it out for yourself before purchasing - or if you want to have "ammo" to move it up your "wish list", just check out Vitamix for info and interactive demos as well as purchasing information if you can't get it at your local Costco.


  1. I walk by the display at costco real fast before one POPS in my cart accidently. lol It is on my wish list, but it's down the list a little. lol :) I am jealous of yours- and hope that you make some stuff & snap some pics to share with us! :)

  2. Stopping by from Blog Frog to check out your site. It is really cute. I have always wanted a VitaaMix. They are so darned expensive. I am a new follower 

  3. I haven't seen this yet but I'm not as Costco that often either. Our blender is less than mediocre so maybe it's time for an upgrade!


  4. My friend has one of these and she made ice cream with it for our last Bunco night. Really cool!!

  5. I can NOT wait to try the ice cream. I did go out and get some half and half and I have frozen strawberries from last years picking (only a few left) so I may have to try ice cream this weekend (I am here pretty much alone this holiday weekend so that could be dangerous).

    I'll have to let you know how it works out.


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