Ok I have decided that I am finished carrying this extra weight around. I am sick and tired of it and the multitude of clothes (in all different sizes) that continue to crowd my small closet.
I had previously done Nutrisystem and lost almost 40 pounds. Yes I said 40 pounds! I was so very proud of myself. Nutrisystem was (and is) a fantastic plan. It really does work - even without the "celebrity" users boasts/TV ads/etc. Unfortunately I got extremely bored with the food. In the last year I was trying to keep with the plan, the food I liked was extremely limited as they were getting rid of some entrees and creating their "select" line. I didn't mind the "no refrigeration" needed meals that you needed to purchase a month at a time, but somehow getting 2 weeks of shelf stable meals (yes the same ones I was getting tired of) and 2 weeks of freezer meals (and somehow I didn't think I had enough room for that) for more money than I was willing to pay (yes more than my shelf stable monthly payout) just didn't appeal to me.
So I started eating the meals that I was preparing for my family. Now they were much more "healthy" than before I started Nutrisystem, but still in all not the 1200 calories a day I was eating. So the "saga" began and unfortunately about 18 months later I gained back 20 pounds.
I still don't want to re-try Nutrisystem again (even though they seem to have more entrees added to their shelf stable line) at the moment because I really like to cook. I've decided to try working with the Weight Watcher's program. There are LOTS of blogs here about the WW program and LOTS of recipes to try. So you may see links to recipes I have tried and LOVE/LIKE/Will make again that I could also get my family to eat. As well as some of the Weight Watcher recipes I have found in the WW at home package I also bought - see I have been thinking about this.
Today (actually about 45 minutes ago) I signed up for Weight Watchers Online for 3 months. At this moment I have a goal of losing these extra 20 pounds during this 3 month period. Which means in 13 weeks I need to lose "approximately" 1.5 lbs a week. Now this doesn't sound like a big deal ........ I mean 1.5 lbs a week how difficult could that be? Yeah right I already know how difficult that can be BUT I am going to do it. And will be using this as part of my plan. If I have to share the good, the bad and the ugly to get to my goal ........ THAT is what I am going to do.
My points are calculated, I have some information already and am ready to be serious again.
So today is the first day of my plan - Weigh in will be on Friday and then every Friday after that. Why Friday ?? Not sure why but I think I will be more consistent during the week (when all things are considered work makes a weekDAY better than a weekEND day - I think)
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