_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Sorry I've been MIA

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sorry I've been MIA

Can't believe its been almost 2 weeks since I posted last. I don't know if its the weather here (rain or high humidity or both) or too much going on (strange sicknesses, employment procedures, meetings, all around blah) or none of the above.

I have been reading different bloggers - most on my favorites list, but not all - and making comments but just haven't had anything to say here. I wish I could say HEY ALL Dan got his formal notification of employment, I wish I could show more pics of Jenn's photo/movie/tv shoots, or something exciting like that. Unfortunately I got NADA. I may have to get my sister to tell me what's going on - since she seems to be more in the loop with my son than I am ......... at least where the job situation stands. I'm going to have to figure something out.

Vacation starts in exactly 13 days. I am excited to go - haven't been to Marco Island in too many years to think. Even if all I do is lay by the pool, swim, sit in the jacuzzi or walk on the beach for a week I will be in heaven. I guess I'm just so tired of all the rain we have had, I am tired of being stuck inside. Being in Florida in the middle of August is what we did for years - but being on Marco is so much different than other parts of Florida (that I remember) because you have the constant gulf breezes that the heat doesn't seem so bad.

Hopefully I'll have some nice pictures to share and be able to come back refreshed - looking forward to fall (even though it doesn't seem like we had a summer here) and be able to announce other good news.


  1. i just had to look up marco island
    did you know there is a blog for the island
    yeah really
    well it does look like a beautiful place
    sure would love to laze there too
    welcome back btw

  2. No I didn't know there was a blog for the island - now I have to go look for it. Thanks!

  3. Sounds like a lovely vacation hun, and just what you need to recharge your batteries! I HOPE YOU HAVE A BLAST!!!



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