_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Strawberries Anyone?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Strawberries Anyone?


I need some suggestions on what to do with a "mess"of strawberries. My MIL dropped off a flat box FULL of strawberries that she picked this afternoon.

I don't want to just freeze them - so I need some suggestions. Oh and to add to the difficulty - I still don't have my oven fixed (it was 1 month Monday) so all I have is my toaster oven.

Ok I'm up for any suggestion ....

Edited to note - I do have a stove - its the oven part that is "broken". I am hoping that the last part will be in sometime this week so it can be actually fixed next week.

I have been cooking this past month using the stove (burner part), my toaster oven and my outdoor gas grill. So I can cook - baking has to be small (toaster oven) though


  1. Wow, that is a dilemma! Do you know how to can? I guess you need your stove for that(??).....Sorry hun, I got nuthin'.

  2. Freezer jam. Simple, simple and no cooking involved! :) (a little time consuming though)

  3. Mmmmm strawberries over shortcake with whip cream! Strawberries with sugar! Strawberries with brown sugar! Strawberry jam! Strawberry pie!

  4. I buy them by the flat and slice them, cover them with Splenda or sugar and let them set in the refrigerator overnight and then use them for...cereal topping, yogurt topping, strawberry smoothies, strawberry slushes, and strawberry margueritas! Yum! They freeze really well in this juicy stage if you decide to freeze them!



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