_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Quote of the Day

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Quote of the Day

I've got this little "gizmo" at the bottom of the page that gives a quote of the day - and yes I do scroll down and read them most days. Well today is a great one. Sometimes we question why someone loves us. Is it because we are pretty, beautiful, witty, funny, quirky, different or what?

You don't love a woman because she is beautiful,

but she is beautiful because you love her

The word
beautiful is interchangeable with all those "questions" above and it still gives you reason to pause. Think about it. Change up the word beautiful for what ever reason you question if or why you are loved ......... and see if it doesn't make sense to you.


  1. Hi Kat!

    Love your blog and I love the quote of the day feature.

    If you get a chance, I hope you'll check out my latest blog post!


  2. Thank you for stopping by on my SITS day last week. I appreciated all the bloggy love! Sorry I'm so long in returning the favor!!!

  3. Oh gosh, now I am singing in my head Rodgers & Hammerstein "Cinderella" - we rented the 1960's Julie Andrews version from the library & a song by the prince & Cinderella goes like this: "Do I love you becuase your Wonderful, or are you Wonderful because I love you?" Such a great song & a fun, fun movie that my 6 year old LOVED! I am happy i found you - from Pennies In My Pocket (I entered too :)). Take care!!
    - Erika


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