_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: March 2012

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Slap Koozies

I am thinking that THIS could be the greatest find of the season!  You could always have a koozie for your bottle or can without digging through beach bags or drawers ..... I mean who would have thought to take those great can huggers and make it into a bracelet when its not in use?  I really think it was INGENIOUS! Agree?

Leave it to Terri at Terri's Little Haven to find the perfect summer product.

Terri has made it really easy for us to check out this great product AND have a chance to win our very own Slap Koozies to make OUR summer unique.  I've picked out my favorites - tell me what one you think you would like.

If you would like a chance to win your own Slap Koozie you must live in the US or CA and be 18+ to enter. Good luck! Please use the rafflecopter form to enter.

I'm sorry to be gone so long

I really am sorry that I haven't been as "on top of things" here in my little portion of the bloggisphere but it's really been a much busier March than normal - and THAT is saying a lot.

Tax season has been "fun" .... yes I am one of "those" people that really enjoy this time of year (but then tax accountants/tax preparers usually do)

I've also had 2 family funerals to attend (2 weeks apart) that has really put me in a time crunch.

Even my mailbox is overflowing!  I didn't realize how many emails I get every day ...... so if you are looking for an answer to something - shoot me a message here - it might be easier to find :) than in my mailbox.

I keep trying to find some time to catch up here - I have so many bloggy friends I haven't been able to catch up with or even spend much time chatting with you all here - but there is only 2 1/2 weeks left of the madness (ok so we will still have those on extension to take care of but not with such crazy hours) and then I promise I will make it up to you.

I will have some reviews I am behind on and a giveaway or two that I will be doing - see I told you I will make it up to you.  Then when all of this is done .... I'm going to get some sleep and maybe even go on vacation (after my daughter's college graduation and hopefully moving her into a dorm where she will be finishing her college career (yes another 2 years yet)...... before this all starts again NEXT year.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Happiness Doors

Helen Keller was just so wise ...... wise beyond her years I'm afraid.  
I think she is my idea of an "old soul".
She just had so much to teach us
Will you seek out her wisdom?

Monday, March 26, 2012

No Cost Blogger Event Sign Ups!

Join me in a FREE Blogger Event! 
You can have your Facebook link added for FREE, 
with the prize being $100 PayPal Cash!

Sign up HERE!

Don't miss out .... could be a HUGE draw for you!  
Just think of all the new friends that could be yours - I'm in how about you?

American Idol

Guest written by our friend Sergio Chaney

My favorite TV show is American Idol! I have been watching it since the very first season and I usually watch every single episode! My favorite, of course, is the night where the winner is announced.

The other night I was watching the finale with my popcorn and blanket and I was all excited!  I knew who I wanted to win and I just couldn't wait for them to announce it!  I was on the phone with my best friend who is just as obsessed with the show as I am!

But right when they were about to announce the winner, my TV shut off.  I really couldn't believe it.  I was so mad.  My friend was telling me who won, but it wasn't the same as watching it for myself.  I was so mad!  She told me to go to http://www.CableTVAdvisor.com/ to see about getting the same cable provider that she has so that will never happen again.  It was just my luck for it to go out at that very second!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

How to make Hummingbird Nectar

My mom LOVES hummingbirds.  She has had feeders in her yard for forever (or so it seems) so that she can watch them as she sits in her chair in the den.  But, as with everything else, the nectar is expensive to buy, especially if you have LOTS of visitors or if your weather is very warm (regularly over 90 degrees) that you have to keep cleaning your feeder and refreshing the nectar to make sure it doesn't go bad.

I found this great (and simple) recipe for Hummingbird Nectar at Domino Sugar that I will definitely be giving to mom for this coming season.   It is so simple even a child can make it (ok with help from mom) because it literally has 2 ingredients.  Vet Tech Schools should also be able to teach you how to make your own hummingbird food using boiling water and ¼ cup of white sugar.  You can learn about this and so much more.

Ehow.com has some great articles on Hummingbirds.  From this site, you can see when to hang your feeder, where to hang the feeder, tips on feeders, as well as a few articles for how to make them from everyday items, most of which you can probably find in your kitchen right now.

Since it appears that hummingbirds reach Virginia in April, I better make sure mom has this recipe soon so that she will have everything ready for their "first sighting" of those cute little birds!

Friday, March 23, 2012

It's that kind of day .......

It really is ... actually its getting to be that kind of week month,  but we are at less than 30 days and counting so I know, just KNOW I can make it to the finish line (April 17th)!

Thanks for stopping by while I've been a little less "prolific" during this wonderful season - but I promise I will keep trying to stay a little more "chatty" while I keep everyone in my "other" life happy too.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I know we didn't have much of a winter here in the East ..... and that's ok by me BUT we know we will pay for it next Winter. So check this out!

I'm thinking I'm going to be checking this out JUST to be on the safe side ...... and being able to save money in the deal - well that's just priceless.

This Seasons Biggest Blow-out Sale! 
74% off Australian Style Winter Boots

Besides where else could you pick up these beauties at such a great deal?? I don't know of anyplace BUT HERE.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Bill

Happy Birthday Ole Man!

Happy Birthday Honey!
Geez can't believe it is another birthday
But no matter what .......
You're still older than I am
No matter that we will be the same age in about 6 months .....
I'm still younger than you are.

Love you!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Morning Coffee

So what do you think ....... a little chuckle with your morning coffee?  Right now I think this one is perfect.  Little sleep and a bum knee and I am in TOTAL agreement with this one, as a matter of fact.

Will this get you through the morning until you can find something else to laugh about in the afternoon?

Ok I'll look for something to share for the afternoon - maybe a Smoothie with my Buddy?  Or an Evening Margarita with the Devil?  Hey Hey we all know little devils ........ not THAT Devil

Monday, March 19, 2012

Living vs Surviving

I just keep saying to myself (and my kids but they won't admit it) that no matter how bad things are, no matter how difficult things can get on any given day ....... you are alive and you have the chance to change things ...... and lets face it - it beats the alternative.

Think about it.

It's not that life if too short
It's that death is just too damn long!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Believe in YOURSELF

There are some days that I just do not believe that I can accomplish anything ........ today was one of those days.  Nothing seemed to work out and nothing seemed to get done.

Maybe if there were 39 hours in a day .............  But I do know that tomorrow is a new day - tomorrow I will get things done, because I found this little quote that will be my new mantra

How about you ........ you want to take this to heart as well?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day 2012!

So what are you doing on this St Patrick's Day?  Planning on being part of or watching the Parade?  Are you going to be looking for leprechauns?  I mean wouldn't you like to find his pot of gold?

If you don't have anything planned, like me, except working since it is still tax season, lets decide right now to come up with something "different" for the next St Patrick's Day.  To help you plan, here are the days for the next 4 St Patrick's Days so we can start planning now .........

Sunday March 17 2013
Monday March 17 2014
Tuesday March 17 2015
Thursday March 17 2016

for the next years.  And then just maybe we can have our parties be the "talk of the town"  ........ but we do have to start planning right now -  shall we?

Don't forget to checkout (and enter of course) my current giveaways ....... they are pretty awesome with some great bloggers.  Don't miss out.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Truly Succeed

Another one of those things that I need to start taking more to heart. 

There are times that no matter what I do or how I do it I feel like I'm a failure.  Someone can always do it better or faster or cleaner than I can.  And I know that will always happen  -  lets face it I'm NOT perfect.  I sometimes wish I was ......... but I'm not.

But just because I'm not doesn't mean I don't succeed.

Don't forget the "Are you feeling Lucky" giveaway ..... HUGE group of bloggers are in on this one - so check it out (link on top of this blog) to my giveaway and the others.  I'm sure you will find some awesome prizes on this one.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


May there always be work for your hands to do;
May your purse always hold a coin or two; 


May the sun always shine on your windowpane;
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;  



May the hand of a friend always be near you; 
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you..  

And to finish this as my Nana always did .....

May you be in Heaven for 30 days,
Before the Devil even knows 
that you're gone!

Lots of exciting giveaways still going on with this Irish Theme so make sure you check them out.  

Monday, March 12, 2012

Are You Feeling Lucky Sweepstakes Event

 Is today your lucky day?  You know it could be ........... IF you give it a shot in this fabulous giveaway event.
Find out just how lucky you might be as you hop around to all these great blogs hosting sweepstakes you can win hosted by Sason and Pobi.

Welcome to my entry in the  
Are YOU Feeling Lucky Sweepstakes Event

Sason and Pobi

There are some really great blogs that are participating in this event and I am feeling really good about joining in with them.  Hopefully you will be able to win at least one of these great prizes.  After you've entered my event offering, make sure you check out the list below - I'll be checking them out - hope to see you enter on those too.

So are YOU feeling LUCKY??  
I hope so.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

March Madness

Just in case you are in March Madness OVERLOAD .........


Good morning!

Did you remember to "spring ahead" last night?  My poor daughter had to be at work this morning at 6:30 .........  to say she was not a "happy" camper is an understatement.  Her body was protesting when she was up at what it thought was 5 AM.  But being the wonderful mommy I am, the coffee was waiting for her, to take with as she was walking out the door.

If you forgot to change your clocks ............ it's       6:45   AM   right now so GOOD morning!  Now fix your clocks, I'll wait for you to come back.

But tell me what you think of this "Day Light Savings" plan.  I really wish they would just pick one time ....... Daylight Savings or not ........ and lets just stay with it.  They have all these studies about how "dangerous" it is for at least the first 2 or 3 days AFTER we change the clocks as our bodies get use to what is going on.  It takes MORE THAN a week to make up for this 1 hour of "lost" sleep.

But then I really don't see the point of changing the time.  So I get an "extra" hour of daylight ..... I still have to turn on the lights in the morning since I don't get to get up an hour later.  It's 6:54 AM right now and the kitchen light is on (need to find the coffee dontcha know) and the outside light is on (its one of those auto on when its dark type) ......... so what did I save?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Everything Has a REASON

I love this one.  Sometimes we all get into one of those modes that keeps the "whoo is me" going  (I know it happens to me and we aren't that different).  I think this one is going to be "blown up" and put on the wall to remind me that whether I can see the reason or not there IS a reason for everything that happens.

Sometimes things we want need to NOT happen so that something even better CAN happen.  See everything happens for a reason.

Don't forget to enter my current giveaways (links in the box at the top of the blog).  You don't want to miss out on some fantastic prizes

Friday, March 9, 2012

Stay Positive 2012

I found this on a friend's Facebook page and just knew I had to share it with you.

Thank you Jackie Vialpando Morgan sharing this with your Facebook Friends ....... hopefully this will share it with even more! 

And don't forget to check out the ongoing giveaways - you just might win something fantastic!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sage Words from the Past that still work in the Present

Having been to a viewing for a family member yesterday and getting ready to go to his funeral today, these words ring so very true. 

He was an amazing person, who lived a long life, didn't forget that he needed to save and prepare for the life he wanted in the future but never forgot to live life in the here and now because tomorrow is promised to no one.

We are going to miss you Uncle Bill.  Rest in Peace until we meet again.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Meaning and Purpose

Sometimes you just have to be reminded about what is important and what you are suppose to do with your life.  I know I need that reminder every now and again.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Negative Committee

Do you sometimes have those doubts that rattle inside your head when you try to do something new or something difficult?  I know I do, but I think Ann Bradford has it down pat!

I will be keeping this one close, as a reminder for those times.  There may be lots of things that keep me from doing things I think I should be able to do ........ the negative committee will NOT be one of them.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Boring life?

I know you miss me on Facebook or Twitter or even here with more "regular" postings ..... but you probably know its that time of year, so I am trying to "pop in" a little more often this year.  I mean you don't want to forget me do you?  I do add some "spice" to your reading ..... don't I?

We can't have your life being boring now can we?????
Only 6 more weeks, that's what I keep telling myself
Only 6 more weeks.

Don't forget to enter my current giveaways .. links in the giveaway box at the top of the page.  Some really great things are being offered!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Luck of the Irish Giveaway!

Do you have Irish blood running through your veins?  Even just a little bit of Irish blood?
Are you feeling lucky? 

Well it's March ...... the month of the Irish (remember Saint Patrick's Day is in March) so even if you aren't Irish I have the "power" to dub you an Honorary Irish(wo)man for this Event.  See I am oh so powerful (ok my partial Irish blood is for this month anyway) and I want everyone to have the same
     for this Event.               

I have teamed up with some fantastic bloggers for the Luck of the Irish Giveaway, with the GRAND PRIZE of a Kindle Fire being sponsored by Zuuzs!  Is this not so AWESOME!!  I think it is.

The Luck of the Irish Giveaway Hop is hosted by Mama Does It All and Deals from MS DO.  
Enter to win  the Grand Prize Kindle Fire sponsored by zuuzs.com

Just in case you don't know, zuuzs is a social shopping site where friends shop, share, and earn together. You can shop at more than 850 stores, share deals & opinions with friends, and control your own cash back rewards with their exclusive Buying Power functionality. It's free to join and have fun with zuuzs!

I hope that you will think that my contribution to this awesome event is worthy of your entries.  To continue the Irish theme, I have a very Quick and Easy Irish Soda Bread Mix  (all you have to do is add 1 cup of water, mix and bake for 45 minutes - told you super easy).
And then to go with our AWESOME Grand Prize (or as your winning prize on my site) a $40 iTunes card!

After you enter my part of the giveaway, make sure you check out the other bloggers, shown below, who are part of this giveaway hop and don't forget to Enter to win the Grand Prize.  I know I am going to be checking everything out!

Don't forget to enter my other giveaways for:
Keurig B44 Coffee Brewer
Kindle Touch and 2 ebooks by Andrea Pearson