_bbR3iY5lLSjzaZNziPYc6VX6tk Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE!: Choose to be Happy Today

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Choose to be Happy Today

I saw this on a Facebook group I follow. Thank you Brenda Doherty for sharing this on the group page.

I don't I know for sure that it was in fact what Groucho Marx said, but it was credited to him on her post.
Now if it wasn't him, it was someone else who definitely shared this little wisdom gem.  I even have part of it in my signature for my emails, so if you have gotten an email from me, you have seen this before.  
But I believe should be shared again.  

Each morning 
when I open my eyes 
I say to myself: 

I, not events, 
have the power to make me 
happy or unhappy today. 

I can choose which it shall be. 
Yesterday is dead, 
Tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. 
I have just one day, 
and I'm going to be happy in it.

Groucho Marx

Similar quotes or pieces of this quote, have been credited to many others, including Eleanor Roosevelt.  Some are worded differently, but the sentiment/idea is the same.

In my opinion, it can't be shared enough.
How about you?  
Are you going to choose to be happy today?

1 comment:

Edye Nicole said...

Such a great message! I try and make sure to choose happiness every day :)

Edye | Http://gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com